
In: Computer Science

Please answer method getListSize, getLast, countElement and mainly method replaceAll. /** * This class maintains an...

Please answer method getListSize, getLast, countElement and mainly method replaceAll.

* This class maintains an arbitrary length list of integers.
* In this version:
* 1. The size of the list is *VARIABLE* after the object is created.
* 2. The code assumes there is at least one element in the list.
* This class introduces the use of structural recursion.
* @author Raymond Lister
* @version May 2016
public class ListOfNVersion03PartA
private int thisNumber; // the number stored in this node
private ListOfNVersion03PartA next; // forms a linked list of objects

private final int nodeID; // a unique ID for each object in the list

private static int nodeCount = 0; // the number of list objects that have been created

* @param num the value to be stored in this object
public ListOfNVersion03PartA(int num)
thisNumber = num;
next = null;

nodeID = nodeCount;

} // constructor(int num)

* @param num the multiple values to be stored in the list, in that order
public ListOfNVersion03PartA(int [] num)
this(num[0]); // in this context, "this" invokes the other constructor

for (int i=1 ; i insertLast(num[i]);

} // constructor(int [] num)

* @return the number of elements stored in this list
public int getListSize()
return 999;

} // method getListSize

* @return the last element in the list
public int getLast()
return 999;

} // method getLast

* prints this object
public void printNode()
System.out.print("[" + nodeID + "," + thisNumber + "]->");

} // method printListNode

* prints the tail of a list
private void printListTail()

if ( next != null )

} // method printListTail

* prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last
public void printList()

if ( next != null )

} // method printList

* This method is NOT examinable in this test.
* prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last, and
* then moves the cursor to the next line
public void printlnList()

} // method printlnList

* @return the number of times the element occurs in the list
* @param element the element to be counted
public int countElement(int element)
return 999;

} // method countElement

* @return the number of times the replacement was made
* @param replaceThis the element to be replaced
* @param withThis the replacement
public int replaceAll(int replaceThis, int withThis)
return 999;

} // method replaceAll

* @return a reference to the first object in the list that contains the parameter value, or null if it is not found
* @param findThis the value to be found
public ListOfNVersion03PartA findUnSorted(int findThis)
// This algorithm is known as "linear search"

if ( thisNumber == findThis )
return this;

if ( next != null )
return next.findUnSorted(findThis);

return null;

} // method findUnSorted

* @return the reference to the object containing the smallest element in the list
public ListOfNVersion03PartA minRef()
// add and/or modify code to complete the method
ListOfNVersion03PartA minOfTail;

if ( next == null )
return this;

minOfTail = next.minRef();

if ( thisNumber <= minOfTail.thisNumber )
return this;
return minOfTail;

} // method minRef

* Inserts an element in the last position. The pre-existing elements in the
* list are unaffected.
* @param newElement the element to be inserted
public void insertLast(int newElement)
if ( next == null )
next = new ListOfNVersion03PartA(newElement);

} // method insertLast

* Inserts an element into a sorted list. NOTE: The pre-existing elements in the
* list are sorted and the list remains sorted (ascending order).
* @param newElement the element to be inserted
public void insertSorted(int newElement)
System.out.println("This method is NOT part of the lab test");
System.out.println("It will probbaly be part of the assignment");

if ( next == null )
// insert some code here
// insert some code here

} // method insertLast
public static void main(String[] args)
int [] a = {2,3,5,2};
ListOfNVersion03PartA list = new ListOfNVersion03PartA(a);
int m = list.getListSize();
System.out.println("Size is: " + m);
int n = list.getLast();
System.out.println("Last element is: " + n);
int c1 = list.countElement(2);
int c2 = list.countElement(3);
int c3 = list.countElement(4);
System.out.println("Number of elements with a value of 2 found: " + c1);
System.out.println("Number of elements with a value of 2 found: " + c2);
System.out.println("Number of elements with a value of 2 found: " + c3);
int ra1 = list.replaceAll(2,1);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 2 with 1 is: " + ra1);
int ra2 = list.replaceAll(3,4);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 3 with 4 is: " + ra2);
int ra3 = list.replaceAll(7,8);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 7 with 8 is: " + ra3);

} // class ListOfNVersion03PartA


Expert Solution

* This class maintains an arbitrary length list of integers.
* In this version:
* 1. The size of the list is *VARIABLE* after the object is created.
* 2. The code assumes there is at least one element in the list.
* This class introduces the use of structural recursion.
* @author Raymond Lister
* @version May 2016
public class ListOfNVersion03PartA {

    private int thisNumber; // the number stored in this node
    private ListOfNVersion03PartA next; // forms a linked list of objects

    private final int nodeID; // a unique ID for each object in the list

    private static int nodeCount = 0; // the number of list objects that have been created

     * @param num the value to be stored in this object
    public ListOfNVersion03PartA(int num) {
        thisNumber = num;
        next = null;

        nodeID = nodeCount;

    } // constructor(int num)

     * @param num the multiple values to be stored in the list, in that order
    public ListOfNVersion03PartA(int[] num) {
        this(num[0]); // in this context, "this" invokes the other constructor

        for (int i = 1; i<num.length;i++)

    } // constructor(int [] num)

     * @return the number of elements stored in this list
    public int getListSize() {
        return nodeCount;

    } // method getListSize

     * @return the last element in the list
    public int getLast() {
        if (next == null) {
            return thisNumber;
        } else {
            return next.getLast();

    } // method getLast

     * prints this object
    public void printNode() {
        System.out.print("[" + nodeID + "," + thisNumber + "]->");

    } // method printListNode

     * prints the tail of a list
    private void printListTail() {

        if (next != null) {

    } // method printListTail

     * prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last
    public void printList() {

        if (next != null) {

    } // method printList

     * This method is NOT examinable in this test.
     * prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last, and then
     * moves the cursor to the next line
    public void printlnList() {

    } // method printlnList

     * @return the number of times the element occurs in the list
     * @param element the element to be counted
    public int countElement(int element) {
        int count = 0;
        ListOfNVersion03PartA current = this;
            current =;
        return count;

    } // method countElement

     * @return the number of times the replacement was made
     * @param replaceThis the element to be replaced
     * @param withThis the replacement
    public int replaceAll(int replaceThis, int withThis) {
        int count = 0;
        ListOfNVersion03PartA current = this;
             current.thisNumber = withThis;
            current =;
        return count;

    } // method replaceAll

     * @return a reference to the first object in the list that contains the
     * parameter value, or null if it is not found
     * @param findThis the value to be found
    public ListOfNVersion03PartA findUnSorted(int findThis) {
// This algorithm is known as "linear search"

        if (thisNumber == findThis) {
            return this;

        if (next != null) {
            return next.findUnSorted(findThis);

        return null;

    } // method findUnSorted

     * @return the reference to the object containing the smallest element in
     * the list
    public ListOfNVersion03PartA minRef() {
// add and/or modify code to complete the method
        ListOfNVersion03PartA minOfTail;

        if (next == null) {
            return this;

        minOfTail = next.minRef();

        if (thisNumber <= minOfTail.thisNumber) {
            return this;
        } else {
            return minOfTail;

    } // method minRef

     * Inserts an element in the last position. The pre-existing elements in the
     * list are unaffected.
     * @param newElement the element to be inserted
    public void insertLast(int newElement) {
        if (next == null) {
            next = new ListOfNVersion03PartA(newElement);
        } else {

    } // method insertLast

     * Inserts an element into a sorted list. NOTE: The pre-existing elements in
     * the list are sorted and the list remains sorted (ascending order).
     * @param newElement the element to be inserted
    public void insertSorted(int newElement) {
        System.out.println("This method is NOT part of the lab test");
        System.out.println("It will probbaly be part of the assignment");

        if (next == null) {
// insert some code here
        } else {
// insert some code here

    } // method insertLast

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] a = {2, 3, 5, 2};
        ListOfNVersion03PartA list = new ListOfNVersion03PartA(a);
        int m = list.getListSize();
        System.out.println("Size is: " + m);
        int n = list.getLast();
        System.out.println("Last element is: " + n);
        int c1 = list.countElement(2);
        int c2 = list.countElement(3);
        int c3 = list.countElement(4);
        System.out.println("Number of elements with a value of 2 found: " + c1);
        System.out.println("Number of elements with a value of 3 found: " + c2);
        System.out.println("Number of elements with a value of 4 found: " + c3);
        int ra1 = list.replaceAll(2, 1);
        System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 2 with 1 is: " + ra1);
        int ra2 = list.replaceAll(3, 4);
        System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 3 with 4 is: " + ra2);
        int ra3 = list.replaceAll(7, 8);
        System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 7 with 8 is: " + ra3);

} // class ListOfNVersion03PartA


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