
In: Computer Science

/** * This class maintains an arbitrary length list of integers. * * In this version:...

* This class maintains an arbitrary length list of integers.
* In this version:
* 1. The size of the list is *VARIABLE* after the object is created.
* 2. The code assumes there is at least one element in the list.
* This class introduces the use of structural recursion.
* @author Raymond Lister
* @version May 2016
public class ListOfNVersion03PartB
private int thisNumber; // the number stored in this node
private ListOfNVersion03PartB next; // forms a linked list of objects
private final int nodeID; // a unique ID for each object in the list
private static int nodeCount = 0; // the number of list objects that have been created

* This constructor initializes the list to the same values
* as in the parameter.
* @param element the initial elements for the list
public ListOfNVersion03PartB(int num)
thisNumber = num;
next = null;
nodeID = nodeCount;

} // constructor(int num)

* @param num the multiple values to be stored in the list, in that order
public ListOfNVersion03PartB(int [] num)
this(num[0]); // in this context, "this" invokes the other constructor

for (int i=1 ; i<num.length ; ++i)

} // constructor(int [] num)

* @return the first element in the list
public int getFirst()
return thisNumber;
} // method getFirst
* prints this object
public void printNode()
System.out.print("[" + nodeID + "," + thisNumber + "]->");

} // method printListNode

* stringifies this object
public String toStringNode()
return "[" + nodeID + "," + thisNumber + "]->";

} // method toStringNode

* form a string from the tail of a list
private String toStringTail()
String s = toStringNode();

if ( next != null )
s = s + next.toStringTail();

return s;

} // method toStringTail

* @return A summary of the contents of the whole list.
public String toString()
String s = toStringNode();

if ( next != null )
s = s + next.toStringTail();

return s;

} // method toString

* @return the sum of the elements of the array
public int sum()
if( next == null )
return thisNumber;
return thisNumber + next.sum();

} // method sum

* @return the number of times the replacement was made (i.e. 0 or 1)
* @param replaceThis the element to be replaced
* @param withThis the replacement
public int replaceOnce(int replaceThis, int withThis)

return 999;

} // method replaceOnce

* @return the value of the smallest element in the list
public int minVal()
return 999;

} // method minVal

* Inserts an element in the first position. The elements already in the
* list are pushed up one place.
* @param newElement the element to be inserted
public void insertFirst(int newElement)
ListOfNVersion03PartB temp = new ListOfNVersion03PartB(thisNumber); = next;
next = temp;
thisNumber = newElement;

} // method insertFirst

* Inserts an element in the last position. The pre-existing elements in the
* list are unaffected.
* @param newElement the element to be inserted
public void insertLast(int newElement)
// add and/or modify code to complete the method

if ( next == null )
next = new ListOfNVersion03PartB(newElement);

} // method insertLast

* No change if there is only one element in the list. Otherwise, it moves up one place all
* elements in the list, by overwriting each "thisNumber" with "next.thisNumber", thus
* removing the first value in the list. The last node in the list is removed.
public void shuffleUp()
System.out.println("This method is NOT part of the lab test");
System.out.println("It will probably be part of the assignment");
} // method shuffleUp

* @return the number of deletions made (i.e. 0 or 1)
* @param element the element to be deleted
* @param predecessor a reference to the previous node in the linked list
* i.e. the node where "next" points to this node
private int delete2(int element, ListOfNVersion03PartB predecessor)
System.out.println("This method is NOT part of the lab test");
System.out.println("It will probbaly be part of the assignment");
return 99; // delete this line and complete the method for the assignment

} // method delete2

* @return the number of deletions made (i.e. 0 or 1)
* @param element the element to be deleted
public int delete(int element)
if ( (thisNumber == element) && (next == null) )
System.out.println("Error when attempting to delete '" + element + "'. The list must contain at least one element");
return 0;

if ( thisNumber == element )
// if thisNumber == element is true then the first "if" statement implies that next != null
thisNumber = next.thisNumber;
next =;
return 1;

if ( next == null )
// if next == null is true then the first "if" statement implies that thisNumber != element
return 0;

return next.delete2(element, this);

} // method delete
public static void main(String[] args)
int [] a = {3,7,1,7};
ListOfNVersion03PartB list = new ListOfNVersion03PartB(a);
int n = list.getFirst();
System.out.println("First element is: " + n);
int m = list.sum();
System.out.println("The sum of the values is: " + m);
int ro1 = list.replaceOnce(2,3);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 2 with 1 is: " + ro1);
int ro2 = list.replaceOnce(3,4);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 3 with 4 is: " + ro2);
int ro3 = list.replaceOnce(7,8);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 7 with 8 is: " + ro3);
int mv = list.minVal();
System.out.println("Minimum value is: " + mv);
int ro4 = list.replaceOnce(1,7);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 3 with 4 is: " + ro4);
int ro5 = list.replaceOnce(8,1);
System.out.println("Number of replacements of value 3 with 4 is: " + ro5);

} // class ListOfNVersion03PartA


Expert Solution

package Array;

* This class maintains an arbitrary length list of integers.
* In this version:
* 1. The size of the list is fixed after the object is created.
* 2. The code assumes there is at least one element in the list.
* This class introduces the use of loops.
* @author Raymond Lister
* @version September 2015
public class ListOfNVersion02PartA
   public int[] list; // Note: no "= {0, 1, 2, 3}" now

   * This constructor initializes the list to the same values
   * as in the parameter.
   * @param element the initial elements for the list
   public ListOfNVersion02PartA(int [] element)
       // make "list" be an array the same size as "element"
       list = new int[element.length];
       // Loops till length of the parameter array
       for(int c = 0; c < element.length; c++)
           // Assigns each element of parameter element array to
           // implicit array
           list[c] = element[c];
   } // constructor ListOfNVersion01Skeleton(int [] element)

   * @return the number of elements stored in this list
   public int getListSize()
       return list.length;
   } // method getListSize

   * @return the last element in the list
   public int getLast()
       return list[list.length-1];
   } // method getLast

   * prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last
   public void printList()
       // Loops till number of elements in the list
       for(int c = 0; c < list.length; c++)
           if(c == list.length-1)
               // Displays current index position value
               System.out.print(list[c] + ", ");
   } // method printList

   * This method is NOT examinable in this test.
   * prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last, and
   * then moves the cursor to the next line
   public void printlnList()
   } // method printlnList

   * @return the number of times the element occurs in the list
   * @param element the element to be counted
   public int countElement(int element)
       // Counter for number of times found
       int count = 0;
       // Loops till number of elements in the list
       for(int c = 0; c < list.length; c++)
           // Checks if parameter element is equals to list current current index position value
           if(element == list[c])
               // Increase the counter by one
       // Returns the counter
       return count;
   } // method countElement

   * @return the number of times the replacement was made
   * @param replaceThis the element to be replaced
   * @param withThis the replacement
   public int replaceAll(int replaceThis, int withThis)
       // Counter for number of replacement
       int countReplacement = 0;
       // Loops till number of elements in the list
       for(int c = 0; c < list.length; c++)
           // Checks if list current current index position value is equals to
           // parameter replaceThis value
           if(list[c] == replaceThis)
               // Assigns the parameter withThis value
               // at fond index position c
               list[c] = withThis;
               // Increase the counter by one
       // Returns the counter
       return countReplacement;
   } // method replaceAll

   * @return the first position in list occupied by the parameter value, or -1 if it is not found
   * @param findThis the value to be found
   public int findUnSorted(int findThis)
       // Loops till number of elements in the list
       for(int c = 0; c < list.length; c++)
           // Checks if list current current index position value is equals to
           // parameter findThis value
           if(list[c] == findThis)
               // Returns the loops variable value as found index position
               return c;
       // At the end of the for loop returns -1 for not found
       return -1;
       // add and/or modify code to complete the method
   } // method findUnSorted

   * @return the position of the smallest element in the array, between positions "first" and "last"
   public int minPos()
       // Initially smallest element position is considered as 0
       int minPos = 0;
       // Initially smallest value is considered as 0th index position value
       int minValue = list[0];
       // Loops from 1 index position to number of elements in the list
       // Starts from 1 because 0th index position is already considered as
       // minimum
       for(int c = 1; c < list.length; c++)
           // Checks if list current index position value is less than
           // the earlier minimum value
           if(list[c] < minValue)
               // Update the minimum position by assigning loop variable value
               minPos = c;
               // Assigns the current index position value as the minimum
               minValue = list[c];
       return minPos;
   } // method minPos
   * Inserts an element in the last position. The elements already in the
   * list are pushed down one place, and the element that was previously
   * first is lost from the list.
   * @param newElement the element to be inserted
   public void insertLast(int newElement)
       // Loops till number of elements in the list
       for(int c = 0; c < list.length-1; c++)
           list[c] = list[c + 1];
       list[list.length-1] = newElement;          
   } // method insertLast
   public static void main(String []s)
       // Creates an array
       int [] element = {0, 1, 2, 3};
       // Creates an object of class ListOfNVersion02PartA
       // using parameterized constructor by passing array element
       ListOfNVersion02PartA li = new ListOfNVersion02PartA(element);
       // Calls the method to test
       System.out.println("\n ************ List Contents ************ ");
       System.out.print("\n List Size: " + li.getListSize());
       System.out.print("\n List Last Element: " + li.getLast());
       System.out.print("\n Number of 2's in List: " + li.countElement(2));
       System.out.print("\n Replace 2 with 22");
       li.replaceAll(2, 22);
       System.out.println("\n ************ List Contents ************ ");
       System.out.print("\n Insert 22 at the end.");
       System.out.println("\n ************ List Contents ************ ");
       System.out.print("\n Number of 22 in List: " + li.countElement(22));
   }// end of main method
} // class ListOfNVersion02PartA

Sample Output:

************ List Contents ************
{0, 1, 2, 3}

List Size: 4
List Last Element: 3
Number of 2's in List: 1
Replace 2 with 22
************ List Contents ************
{0, 1, 22, 3}

Insert 22 at the end.
************ List Contents ************
{1, 22, 3, 22}

Number of 22 in List: 2

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