In: Psychology
Since you started PSY101, Smarter Decisions through Psychology, you have had the opportunity to learn about fascinating topics, including the brain and nervous system, emotions, motivation, and stress management. As you learned the psychological concepts and principles covered in this course, you’ve gained insight into what influences decision making and how you can apply what you’ve learned to make better decisions in your own life and career. Through your study of psychology, you’ve also started honing two essential employability skills:
Problem solving to identify and frame problems, explore ideas, and create effective, ethical, and evidence-based solutions based on psychological concepts and principles.
Self and social awareness to monitor one’s own and others’ emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to receive feedback, reflect, and guide one’s thinking.
In this journal, you will share your reflections on your time in PSY101 by answering the questions below. For each of the questions, write a paragraph-length response (5-7 sentences).
1. As a result of this class, how will you immediately apply your problem solving skill at home or work?
2. As a result of this class, how have you grown in terms of your own self & social awareness skill?
3. Of all of the Strayer videos, which one was most relevant for you? Why?
4. What is one psychological concept that you have learned in this class that was most helpful to you? How will you use this concept to succeed in your personal or professional life?
1. I will try to solve the problem through some steps after the
class.. Problem-Solving Cycle:->
The problem-solving cycle includes: problem identification, problem
definition, strategy formulation, organization of information,
allocation of resources, monitoring, and
evaluation.In considering the steps, remember also the importance
of flexibility in following the various steps of the cycle.
Successful problem solving may involve occasionally tolerating some
ambiguity regarding how best to proceed. Rarely can we solve
problems by following any one optimal sequence of problem-solving
steps. We may go back and forth through the steps. We can change
their order, or even skip or add steps when it seems appropriate.
Following is a description of each part of the problem-solving
1. Problem identification: Do we actually have a problem?
2. Problem definition and representation: What exactly is our
3. Strategy formulation: How can we solve the problem? The strategy
may involve analysis—breaking down the whole of a complex problem
into manageable elements. Instead, or perhaps in addition, it may
involve the complementary process of synthesis—putting together
various elements to arrange them into
something useful.
Another pair of complementary strategies involves divergent and
convergent thinking. In divergent thinking, you try to generate a
diverse assortment
of possible alternative solutions to a problem. Once you have
considered a variety of possibilities, however, you must engage in
convergent thinking to narrow down the multiple possibilities to
converge on a single best answer.
4. Organization of information: How do the various pieces of
information in the problem fit together?
5. Resource allocation: How much time, effort, money, etc., should
I put into this problem
6. Monitoring: Am I on track as I proceed to solve the problem?
7. Evaluation: Did I solve the problem correctly?
These steps will help me to solve the problem in home easily.
2. Innate and acquired skills will be discussed here
Although a richly elaborated knowledge base is crucial to
expertise in a domain,there remain differences in performance that
are not explainable in terms of knowledge level alone. There is
considerable debate as to whether differences between novices and
experts and among different experts themselves are due either to
innate talento to the quantity and quality of practice in a domain.
Many espouse the “practice makes perfect” point of view.The
practice should be deliberate, or focused. It should emphasize
acquisition of new skills and applications rather than mindless
repetition of what the developing expert already knows how to
do.However, some take an alternative approach. This approach
acknowledges the importance of practice in building a knowledge and
skill base. It also underscores the importance of something like
talent. Indeed, the interaction between innate abilities modified
by experience is widely accepted in the domain of language
acquisition as wella other domains. Certainly, some skill domains
are heavily dependent on nurture. For example, wisdom is partly
knowledge based. The knowledge one uses to
make wise judgments is necessarily a result of experience (Baltes
& Smith, 1990).
Experts in some domains perform at superior levels by virtue of
prediction skills.
For example, expert typists move their fingers toward keys
corresponding to the letters they will need to type more quickly
than do novice typists (Norman & Rumelhart, 1983). Indeed, the
single best predictor of typing speed is how far ahead in the
text a typist looks when typing (Ericsson, 2003). The farther ahead
he or she looks,
the better the typist is able to have fingers in position as
needed. When typists are
not allowed to look ahead in their typing, the advantage of expert
typists is largely
eliminated (Salthouse, 1984). Expert sign-language users show
variations in sign production in preparation for the next sign
(Yang & Sarkar, 2006). Rather than produce one sign in
isolation, these signers are looking ahead. Looking ahead
experts to produce signs more quickly than do novices. Expert
musicians, too, are better able to sight-read than novices by
virtue of their looking farther ahead in the music so they can
anticipate what notes will be coming up (Sloboda, 1984).Even in
sports, such as tennis, experts are superior to novices in part by
virtue of their being able to predict the trajectory of an
approaching ball more rapidly and accurately than novices
(Abernethy, 1991).
Another characteristic of experts is that they tend to use a more
systematic approach to difficult problems within their domain of
expertise than do novices. For example, one study compared
strategies used by problem solvers in a simulated biology
laboratory (Vollmeyer, Burns, & Holyoak, 1996). The
investigators found that better
problem solvers were more systematic in their approach to the lab
than were poorer problem solvers. For example, in seeking an
explanation of a biological phenomenon,they were more likely to
hold one variable constant while varying other variables.
4. In this uncertain world, decision making is the most important chapter i think atleast for me. I will summarise the concepts pf decision making in the next paragraph.
Early theories were designed to achieve practical mathematical
of decision making and assumed that decision
makers are fully informed, infinitely sensitive to
information, and completely rational. Subsequent
theories began to acknowledge that humans often use subjective
criteria for decision making,
that chance elements often influence the outcomes of decisions,
that humans often use subjective estimates for considering the
outcomes, and
that humans are not boundlessly rational in making decisions.
People apparently often use satisficing strategies, settling for
the first minimally
acceptable option, and strategies involving a process of
elimination by aspects to eliminate an overabundance of options.One
of the most common heuristics most of us
use is the representativeness heuristic. We fall
prey to the fallacious belief that small samples
of a population resemble the whole population
in all respects. Our misunderstanding of base rates
and other aspects of probability often leads us to
other mental shortcuts as well, such as in the
conjunction fallacy and the inclusion fallacy.
Another common heuristic is the availability
heuristic, in which we make judgments based on
information that is readily available in memory, withoutb to seek
less available information. The use of heuristics, such as
anchoring and adjustment, illusory correlation, and framing
effects, also often impairs our ability to make effective
decisions.Once we have made a decision (or better yet,another
person has made a decision) and the
outcome of the decision is known, we may engage in hindsight bias,
skewing our perception of the earlier evidence in light of the
eventual outcome. Perhaps the most serious of our mental biases,
however, is overconfidence, which seems to be amazingly resistant
to evidence of our own errors.What are some of the forms of
deductive reasoning that people may use, and what factors
facilitate or impede deductive reasoning? Deductive reasoning
involves reaching conclusions from a set of conditional
propositions or from a
syllogistic pair of premises. Among the various
types of syllogisms are linear syllogisms and categorical
syllogisms. In addition, deductive reasoning may involve complex
transitiveinference problems or mathematical or logical proofs
involving large numbers of terms. Also,
deductive reasoning may involve the use of
pragmatic reasoning schemas in practical, everyday situations.In
drawing conclusions from conditional propositions, people readily
apply the modus ponens argument, particularly regarding universal
affirmative propositions. Most of us have more difficulty, however,
in using the modus tollens argumentand in avoiding deductive
fallacies, such as affirming the consequent or denying the
antecedent, particularly when faced with propositions involving
particular propositions or negative propositions.
In solving syllogisms, we have similar difficulties with particular
premises and negative premises and with terms that are not
presented in the customary sequence. Frequently, when trying to
draw conclusions, we overextend a strategy from a situation in
which it leads to a deductively
valid conclusion to one in which it leads to a deductivefallacy. We
also may foreclose on a given conclusion before considering the
full rangeof possibilities that may affect the conclusion. These
mental shortcuts may be exacerbated by situations in which we
engage in confirmation bias (tending to confirm our own beliefs).We
can enhance our ability to draw well reasoned conclusions in many
ways, such as by taking time to evaluate the premises or
propositions carefully and by forming multiple mental models of the
propositions and their relationships. We also may benefit from
training and practice in effective deductive reasoning. We are
particularly likely to reach well-reasoned conclusions when such
conclusions seem plausible and useful in pragmatic contexts, such
as during social exchanges.How do people use inductive reasoning to
causal inferences and to reach other types ofc Although we cannot
reach logically certain conclusions through inductive reasoning, we
can at least reach highly probable conclusions through careful
reasoning. When making categorical inferences, people tend to
both top-down and bottom-up strategies. Processes of inductive
reasoning generally form the basis of scientific study and
hypothesis testing as a means to derive causal inferences. In
addition, in reasoningby analogy people often spend more time
encoding the terms of the problem than in
performing the inductive reasoning. Reasoning
by analogy can lead to better conclusions, but
also to worse ones if the analogy is weak or based
on faulty assumptions. It appears that people
sometimes may use reasoning based on formal rule systems, such as
by applying rules of formal
logic, and sometimes use reasoning based on associations, such as
by noticing similarities and
temporal contiguities.. Are there any alternative views of
reasoning?A number of scientists have suggested that people have
two distinct systems of reasoning: an associative system that is
sensitive to observed similarities and temporal contiguities and a
rule-based system that involves manipulations based on relations
among symbols. The two systems can work together to help us reach
reasonable conclusions in an efficient way.