
In: Computer Science

Develop a C++ program that looks for a given value in a text file full of...

Develop a C++ program that looks for a given value in a text file full of integer values

Prompt the user for a value to search for in the file

  • No input validation is required

Open the accompanying text file named numbers.txt

Search the contents of the text file

  • You may not "hard-code" the quantity of values found in the file...
  • Use a loop of some sort until the end of the text file is reached

Maintain how many many times the value is found in the file

Close the text file when processing is complete

Display the number of times the value is found in the file


61      62      71      40      32      6       27      8       74      3
95      10      74      69      66      37      94      10      17      55
38      5       43      69      19      89      65      74      71      33
85      74      26      5       6       40      36      100     4       57
56      73      78      24      36      48      84      3       89      80
93      49      46      8       39      89      50      44      47      78
37      12      41      4       40      57      21      13      43      73
64      4       67      8       37      10      9       51      38      67
68      30      66      1       42      43      53      7       93      32
33      94      22      74      84      77      48      27      37      51
28      100     86      91      8       30      13      1       23      17
81      39      86      70      6       74      4       70      58      31
7       45      26      69      73      38      40      82      82      99
49      23      31      47      43      82      55      55      52      18
5       71      16      15      25      75      66      6       20      34
95      14      62      89      49      99      38      91      20      9
40      24      10      23      18      42      12      61      50      19
86      44      8       83      15      42      37      30      1       42
61      5       52      29      22      18      60      13      24      54
82      2       43      66      82      91      23      67      48      71
80      95      47      55      94      59      82      67      1       40
25      17      71      27      8       30      66      97      43      100
30      78      26      18      5       34      90      63      44      85
47      55      97      55      56      42      100     38      56      99
17      70      98      86      90      41      24      61      20      67
56      51      93      10      15      74      42      58      59      38
38      27      71      95      82      42      93      53      18      23
98      92      80      42      31      94      67      99      70      89
40      20      91      35      48      17      22      30      35      27
23      3       92      45      14      24      20      72      95      18
60      54      30      54      3       37      55      50      95      67
13      70      63      75      66      91      47      45      66      74
81      5       14      63      33      99      74      90      37      39
65      70      79      60      98      57      41      59      64      70
21      39      3       84      50      84      100     20      88      84
65      45      24      56      35      45      92      41      44      47
62      24      17      24      21      16      2       87      56      25
95      51      50      31      94      92      86      97      91      74
47      35      44      93      73      73      84      23      74      1
94      81      21      67      29      52      65      85      31      97
61      77      53      55      84      48      8       1       99      50
40      36      42      66      84      27      43      100     28      58
62      14      42      25      51      3       71      97      68      57
7       92      12      47      72      18      91      58      33      14
90      51      42      14      97      77      86      87      74      12
25      75      18      29      12      18      17      36      42      85
24      1       18      82      64      33      95      94      70      16
44      72      18      64      66      53      59      70      18      40
35      83      8       88      85      32      6       20      56      37
41      19      4       85      77      45      93      1       5       63
7       37      4       37      67      38      62      56      39      26
77      11      33      75      81      75      23      77      43      78
36      56      16      66      81      98      37      38      1       19
59      82      20      8       90      64      49      55      16      16
93      64      54      24      10      90      14      68      67      59
99      25      69      41      90      40      30      7       41      95
46      44      46      90      40      13      47      69      28      21
37      73      35      85      48      25      100     45      56      93
81      53      86      10      23      52      67      83      63      4
74      73      34      56      34      50      8       72      69      77
80      41      6       49      100     77      17      47      18      62
14      88      30      88      94      93      58      54      49      95
76      9       66      89      36      72      16      13      20      33
54      5       57      20      57      72      27      2       46      66
13      3       4       44      41      36      85      13      26      97
63      50      8       49      87      19      23      47      60      68
52      17      13      42      57      67      13      43      70      31
60      83      17      6       58      60      97      6       65      75
58      98      59      36      69      15      79      62      99      31
14      11      95      67      58      65      96      19      43      73
76      15      72      54      94      73      43      84      72      70
52      28      10      32      35      50      91      77      24      40
38      38      31      91      100     55      34      71      32      90
20      29      46      29      45      20      30      61      1       5
19      48      70      97      41      33      5       21      39      19
94      49      43      83      1       60      38      76      40      49
14      96      34      18      43      90      85      42      48      52
45      79      7       94      18      24      23      68      90      58
64      81      1       74      32      100     27      81      94      83
42      55      28      13      66      43      15      84      95      1
74      53      33      86      41      38      17      6       18      76
2       45      75      15      38      97      67      95      72      69
85      49      2       22      10      65      10      98      53      60
27      77      2       48      30      52      85      27      65      29
44      2       43      64      5       55      31      89      35      29
96      42      73      91      55      12      59      96      44      9
51      92      11      87      93      29      12      33      67      11
65      2       5       90      66      16      94      5       52      56
57      29      56      65      97      19      57      57      75      40
69      11      90      78      32      52      83      14      22      94
87      28      43      99      20      66      63      30      34      47
95      43      35      8       79      30      33      43      61      23
77      23      27      30      88      30      67      1       13      57
57      21      24      37      64      83      1       96      63      16
38      7       80      28      59      20      87      72      8       77
88      84      70      41      95      20      66      31      24      37
67      70      91      6       8       92      58      68      69      99
19      93      44      84      83      34      64      2       94      50
96      58      55      66      69      83      9       72      45      88
100     24      11      53      75      8       18      21      25      55


Expert Solution



// #include <iostream>

// #include <iomanip>

// #include <fstream>

// If you don't want to use <bits/stdc++> or your compiler doesn't support it, you can remove it and uncomment the above three header files for your code to work.

using namespace std;



    int num,count=0;

    ifstream infile ("numbers.txt");

    if (!infile)


        cout << "File not Found" << endl;



    cout << "Enter the number you want to search: ";

    cin >> num;

    int number;

    while(!infile.eof())            // loop will run until end of file.


        infile >> number;           // getting number from the file.

        if (number == num)

            count++;                 // incrementing the count if number from the file matches the number to be searched.



    cout << count;



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