In: Psychology
What role did God play in Copernicus’ thinking in terms of his heliocentric model?
Note: This response is in UK English, please paste the response to MS Word and you should be able to spot discrepancies easily. You may elaborate the answer based on personal views or your classwork if necessary. Also, I am not allowed to use the word “c-e-n-t-r-e” in responses and so I have replaced it with a “*” sign.
(Answer) Copernicus was a Polish Astronomer and Mathematician who proposed the heliocentric theory. This theory establishes that the sun is the * of the galaxy and not the earth as it was previously believed. The planets of the solar system revolved around the sun which formed the *.
In the 16th century, it was believed that man was God’s special and most beloved creation. This made the people believe that the earth was the focal point of the well-planned universe.
However, Copernicus was strongly influenced by Neoplatonism which meant that his beliefs combined the teachings of Christianity and Plato. He believed that the sun is an emulation of God and is a life-giving source, without which earth would not survive.
This is why Copernicus adopted Aristarchus of Samos’ theory that the sun is the * of the universe. This is because Copernicus felt that God should be the * of the universe.