
In: Statistics and Probability

Researchers believe that the population variance of female student GPAs at UD is greater than the...

Researchers believe that the population variance of female student GPAs at UD is greater than the population variance of male student GPAs at UD. Use a 5% level of significance and the following data from the combined Class Dataset to test this idea (this is a question from section11.2, but WHY?):

Female GPAS:










Male GPAs:









Enter your Summary Statistics here (rounded off to the 2nd decimal place, if necessary):






      Q1: Given the researchers’ stated belief, which group should be considered                 Group #1, Males or Females? WHY?

      Q2: What if the researchers simply wanted to know if the two population                    variances were different? In that case how would you determine which                      group should be called Group #1?

      Q3: Write out your Null (H0) and Alternative Hypotheses (HA).




      Q4: What kind of a TS will you calculate for this pair of hypotheses?
             Z0? T0? F0? χ02?

      Q5: Calculate the value of the TS you would use to run this hypothesis                       test, complete with degrees of freedom, if necessary.

      Q6: Write out the full RR that you would use to run this hypothesis test.

      Q7: Write out the full Decision and Conclusion that your TS and RR leads                  you to make.

      Q8: Calculate the PValue for your TS (and if you’re working from one of the                probability tables, you might have a statement like: “0.01< PV <0.05”).


Expert Solution

For Females:

∑x = 31

∑x² = 107.5

n1 = 9

Mean , x̅1 = Ʃx/n = 31/9 = 3.4444

Standard deviation, s2 = √[(Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n)/(n-1)] = √[(107.5-(31)²/9)/(9-1)] = 0.3005

For males:

∑x = 25.7

∑x² = 83.13

n2 = 8

Mean , x̅2 = Ʃx/n = 25.7/8 = 3.2125

Standard deviation, s2 = √[(Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n)/(n-1)] = √[(83.13-(25.7)²/8)/(8-1)] = 0.2850


Q1: The group with higher standard deviation is considered as group 1

Here group #1 will be female.


Here also group #1 will be female.


Null and alternative hypothesis:

Hₒ : σ₁² = σ₂²

H₁ : σ₁² > σ₂²


Test statistic to be F test.


Test statistic:

F = s₁² / s₂² = 0.3005² / 0.285² = 1.1111

df₁ = n₁-1 = 8

df₂ = n₂-1 = 7


Upper tailed critical value, FU = F.INV.RT(0.05, 8, 7) = 3.7257

Rejection region: Reject Ho if F > 3.7257.



Fail to reject Ho.


There is not enough evidence to conclude that the population variance of female student GPAs at UD is greater than the population variance of male student GPAs at UD


P-value = F.DIST.RT(1.1111, 8, 7) = 0.4512

0.40 < p-value < 0.50

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