
In: Computer Science

Confused about going through this C program. Thank you Program Specifications: *********************************************** ** MAIN MENU **...

Confused about going through this C program. Thank you

Program Specifications:




A) Enter game results

B) Current Record (# of wins and # of losses and # of ties)

C) Display ALL results from all games WON

D) Display ALL results ordered by opponent score from low to high.

E) Quit

Your program will have a menu similar to the example above. The game

results will simply be the score by your team and the score by your

opponent. The user will enter a single game result at a time. This

assignment requires the use of a 2D array. You will not need the date of

the game or the names of the teams. All cases will be written within user

defined function. Functions should be used as much as possible.


Use global variables, in this or any program ever.

Use goto statement(s), in this or any program ever.


Expert Solution


#define MAX_GAME 100
void print_menu()
   printf("** MAIN MENU **\n");
   printf("A) Enter game results\n");
   printf("B) Current Record(# of wins and # of losses and # of ties)\n");
   printf("C) Display ALL results from all games WON\n");
   printf("D) Display ALL results ordered by opponent score from low to high\n");
   printf("E) Quit\n");
int new_entry(int arr[MAX_GAME][3],int n)
   int your_team;
   int opponent_team;
   printf("Please enter score of both team : your_score opponent score ");
   scanf("%d %d", &your_team, &opponent_team);
   arr[n][0] = your_team;
   arr[n][1] = opponent_team;
   arr[n][2] = your_team > opponent_team ? 1 : your_team < opponent_team ? 2 : 0;
   // tie :0 , loss : 2 , win : 1
   return n + 1;
void current_record(int arr[MAX_GAME][3], int n)
   int count[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
   printf("%d of wins and %d of losses and %d of ties \n", count[1], count[2], count[0]);
void print_game(int a,int b)
   printf("   %d\t   %d \n", a,b);
void won_game(int arr[MAX_GAME][3], int n)

   printf("YourScore OpponentScore\n");
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       if (arr[i][2] == 1) print_game(arr[i][0],arr[i][1]);
void print_sort(int arr[MAX_GAME][3], int n)
   int *opponent = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
   int *your_score = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
   opponent[0] = arr[0][1];
   your_score[0] = arr[0][0];
   for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
       int j;
       int flag = 1;
       for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
           if (arr[i][1] < opponent[j])
               opponent[j + 1] = opponent[j];
               your_score[j + 1] = your_score[j];
               flag = 0;
           else break;

           opponent[j + 1] = arr[i][1];
           your_score[j + 1] = arr[i][0];

   printf("YourScore OpponentScore\n");
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       print_game(your_score[i], opponent[i]);

int main()
   int arr[MAX_GAME][3];
   int game = 0;
   char mode;
   while (1)
       printf("Provide mode according to menu: ");
       scanf("%c", &mode);
       while (mode < 'A' || mode > 'E')scanf("%c", &mode);
       if (mode == 'E') break;
       else if (mode == 'A') game = new_entry(arr, game);
       else if (mode == 'B') current_record(arr, game);
       else if (mode == 'C') won_game(arr, game);
       else if (mode == 'D') print_sort(arr, game);
   return 0;

Sample input and output:

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