
In: Computer Science

C Program: Create a C program that prints a menu and takes user choices as input....

C Program: Create a C program that prints a menu and takes user choices as input. The user will make choices regarding different "geometric shapes" that will be printed to the screen.

The specifications must be followed exactly, or else the input given in the script file may not match with the expected output.

Important! Consider which control structures will work best for which aspect of the assignment. For example, which would be the best to use for a menu?

The first thing your program will do is print a menu of choices for the user. You may choose your own version of the wording or order of choices presented, but each choice given in the menu must match the following:

Menu Choice Valid User Input Choices
Enter/Change Character 'C' or 'c'
Enter/Change Number 'N' or 'n'
Draw Line 'L' or 'l'
Draw Square 'S' or 's'
Draw Rectangle 'R' or 'r'
Draw Triangle (Left Justified) 'T' or 't'
Quit Program 'Q' or 'q'

A prompt is presented to the user to enter a choice from the menu. If the user enters a choice that is not a valid input, a message stating the choice is invalid is displayed and the menu is displayed again.

Your program must have at least five functions (not including main()) including:

  • A function that prints the menu of choices for the user, prompts the user to enter a choice, and retrieves that choice. The return value of this function must be void. The function will have one pass-by-reference parameter of type char. On the function's return, the parameter will contain the user's menu choice.
  • A function that prompts the user to enter a single character. The return value of the function be a char and will return the character value entered by the user. This return value will be stored in a local variable, C, in main(). The initial default value of this character will be ' ' (blank or space character).
  • A function that prompts the user to enter a numerical value between 1 and 15 (inclusive). If the user enters a value outside this range, the user is prompted to re-enter a value until a proper value is entered. The return value of the function be an int and will return the value entered by the user. This return value will be stored in a local variable, N, in main(). The initial default value of this character will be 0.
  • A function for each geometric shape. Each function will take the previously entered integer value N and character value C as input parameters (You will need to ensure that these values are valid before entering these functions). The return values of these functions will be void. The functions will print the respective geometric shape of N lines containing the input character C. N is considered the height of the shape. For a line, it is just printing the character in C, N number of times, so that it creates a vertically standing line of length N. For N = 6 and C = '*', the draw line function should output:


    If a square is to be printed, then the following output is expected:

In case of a rectangle, we assume its width is N+5. It should look like the following:

    If the user selects Triangle, then it should print a left justified triangle which looks like the following:


Suggested steps:

  1. Create a source file with only your main() function and the standard #include files. Compile and run (it won't do anything, but if you get compile errors, it is best to fix them immediately).
  2. Write a function, called from main(), that prints the menu. Compile and test it to ensure it works properly.
  3. Add a pass-by-reference parameter to your menu() function that will retrieve the character input within the function and make it available for use within the main function. The menu function must remain a void function and not return a value.
  4. Add code to the menu() function to prompt and retrieve user input (allow any character), and assign that input character to the pass-by-reference parameter). Compile and test your code.
  5. Enclose the print menu function and user input code within a loop that will exit the program when the Quit program choice is entered. Test the logic of your code to ensure that the loop only exits on proper input ('q' or 'Q').
  6. Create five "stub functions" for the six other (non-Quit) choices. Put a print statement such as "This is function EnterChar()" or some other informative statement in the body of the function. For functions that return a value, return a specific character 'X' or number. This will be changed when the function is filled in.
  7. Within the loop in main(), create the logic to call each function based on input from the menu choice (and handle incorrect input choices). Test this logic by observing the output of the stub function statements.
  8. Fill in the logic and code for each function. Note that the Line drawing function is probably a little easier (logically) to write than the Right Justified Printing function, so you may want to write it first. Once you have the Line drawing function complete, think about what additional character(s) you will have to print (and how many) to make a square shape. Step by step, you can write functions for other shapes as well. This is the part of the lab (and the course) where you develop your skills to create algorithms that solve specific problems. These kinds of skills are not specific to C or any other language, but how to implement these algorithms are language specific.
  9. Test your program thoroughly.


Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>
void line(char ch,int n){
int i;
void triangle(char ch,int n){
int i,j;
void square(char ch,int n){
int i,j;
void rectangle(char ch,int n){
int i,j;
int main()
int n=6;
char ch = '*';
char choice;
printf("\nEnterChange Character \'C\' or \'c\'");
printf("\nEnter Change Number \'N\' or \'n\'");
printf("\nDraw Line   \'L\' or \'l\'");
printf("\nDraw Square \'S\' or \'s\'");
printf("\nDraw Rectangle \'R\' or \'r\'");
printf("\nDraw Triangle (Left Justified) \'T\' or \'t\'");
printf("\nQuit Program \'Q\' or \'q\'");
printf("\n\nEnter your choice:");
printf("Enter the character:");
else if(choice=='N'||choice=='n'){
printf("Enter the number:");
else if(choice=='L'||choice=='l'){
else if(choice=='S'||choice=='s'){
else if(choice=='r'||choice=='R'){
else if(choice=='t'||choice=='T'){
else if(choice=='q'||choice=='Q'){
printf("Thank you....");
printf("Invalid input...");
}while(choice!='q' || choice!='Q');

return 0;


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