
In: Physics

Identify and describe the steps of the scientific method. Identify general trends in a data plot....

Identify and describe the steps of the scientific method.
Identify general trends in a data plot.
Convert between SI and American units, as well as within units of the same system (i.e., from feet to miles).
Use kinetic/mathmatical equations to find acceleration, velocity, position, or time.
What sre Newton’s three laws of motion.
How to Add vectors, including vectors that represent forces and velocity.
Explain the difference between weight and mass.
Explain the concept of conservation of linear and angular momentum and its applications.
Formula to Apply impulse with conservation of momentum.


Expert Solution

1. Scientic method flowchart:

2. If the data values of a set increases and the data values of other set also increases then the two sets of related data shows a positive trend. If the data values of one set increases and the data values of other set decreases then the two sets of related data shows a negative trend. If the data shows no relation then that set shows no trend.


4. Let 't', 'r', 'v' and 'a' be the symbols for time, position, velocity and acceleration respectively.


In case of uniformly accelerated motion, following equations hold true:

5. The following are Newton's three laws of motion:

First Law: When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constantvelocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

Second Law: The vector sum of the external forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration vector a of the object: F = ma.

Third Law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.

6. Vectors have two components: magnitude and direction.

Let F1 and F2 be two forces represented as,


7. Mass is a measure of how much matter an object has. Weight is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on that matter. Thus if you were to travel to the moon your weight would change because the pull of gravity is weaker there than on Earth but, your mass would stay the same because you are still made up of the same amount of matter.

8. Conservation of Linear Momentum: When no external force acts on a system consisting of several particles, the linear momentum of a system is conserved.

Conservation of angular momentum: When no external torque acts on a system consisting of several particles, the angular momentum of a system is conserved.

9. J = m (Δv/Δt) Δt = mΔv = Δ(mv) = mvf - mvo

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