In: Computer Science
Choose a problem that lends to an implementation that uses dynamic programming. Clearly state the problem and then provide high-level pseudocode for the algorithm. Explain why this algorithm can benefit from dynamic programming.
Problem Statement
Calculate the nth term of Fibonacci number.The fibonacci numbers are in the following sequence.
Pseudocode(without dynamic programming)
1. int fib(n){ //function that calculates nth fibonacci number
2. if(n <= 1)
3. return n;
4. else{
5. return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
Pseudocode(dynamic programming) fib(n); //declaring array dp where fib(i) represents ith fibonacci number.
2.fib(0) = 0,fib(1) = 1 //initializing base conditions
3.for(i = 2 to i = n, i++) do{
4.fib(i) = fib(i - 1) + fib(i - 2);
This algo will use the basic concept of dynamic programming that
is memoization and optimal substructure.In the first pseudocode
same thing is being calculated over and over again thus increasing
the complexity upto and in
dynamic programming implementation we didn't calculate same thing
more than once thus complexity reduced to
. Therefore
dynamic programming implementation is more advantageous.