External features of
- The medulla is divided into right and left halves by
the anterior and posterior median fissure.
- The anterior region is in the form of a longitudinal
elevation called pyramid.The pyramid is made up of corticospinal
- Some fibers transversely across the upper part of the
pyramid.Those are anterior external arcuate fibers.
- The upper part of the lateral region shows an oval
elevation.It is produced by an underlying mass of grey matter
called the inferior olivary nucleus.
- The rootlets of hypoglossal nerve emerge from
anterolateral sulcus.
- The rootlets of cranial nerves IX and X emerge from
posterolateral fissure.
- Lower part of medulla there is elevation the tuber
cinerium lateral to the fasciculus cuneatus,
- The medulla is divided into two parts ,The lower closed
part with a central canal.and upper open part where the central
canal open.
Internal structures of
can be explain with transverse sections. :-
Transverse section through
the lower part of medulla
passing through the pyramidal descussation
Grey matter
- The decussating pyramidal fibers seperate the anterior
horn from central grey matter.It forms the spinal nucleus of
accessory nerve laterally supraspinal nucleus for motor fibers of
cervical nerve medially.
- Nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal
White matter
- The pyramids anteriorily
- Forms corticospinal tract
transverse section
through the middle of medulla
Grey matter
- The central grey matter contains
- Hypoglossal nucleus
- Dorsal nucleus
- Nucleus of tractus solitarius
White matter
- The nucleus gracilus and cuneatus gives rise to the
internal accurate fibers.
- Emerging fibers of XII nerve
Transverse section
through the upper part of medulla pass ing through the floor of fourth
Grey matter
- Nuclei of several nerves are seen
- Hypoglossal nucleus
- Dorsal nucleus of vagus
- Nucleus of tractus solitarius
- The nucleus ambigus gives origin to cranial
nerves IX,X, and XI.
- The dorsal and ventral nuclei recieve fibres from
cochlear nerve.
White matter
- The olivocerebellar fibers are seen prominently in
actual sections,
- Striae medullaris are seen
- Emerging fibers of IX,X, and XI nerves.