
In: Computer Science

PLEASE MAKE THIS TWO DIFFERENT FILES. ONE FOR CLASS (temperature.h) AND ONE FOR temperature.cpp Objective: This...


Objective: This assignment will provide further practice with implementing classes.

Task:  For this homework, you will write a class called Temperature, in the files temperature.h and temperature.cpp, for creating and using objects that will store temperatures (like for weather forecasting programs).

This class should be portable, so it should work with any up-to-date C++ compiler.

Program Details and Requirements:

1) An object of type Temperature should represent a temperature in terms of degrees and scale. Degrees should allow decimal precision (so use type double). The three scales possible are Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. You may store the scale however you like inside the object, but for any keyboard input or function parameters, scales will come in as type char, where 'C', 'F', 'K' (as well as the lower case versions) are valid options. Your object must always represent a valid temperature -- remember that 0 Kelvin represents the lowest possible temperature in existence (the complete absence of heat). Your object should also store a format setting, to be used for display of temperatures to the screen. There will be more than one possible format. The class features (public interface) should work exactly as specified, regardless of what program might be using Temperature objects.

Note: For purposes of conversions between scales, please remember the following conversion relationships betweeen temperatures:

  • Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) X (5/9)
  • (or) Fahrenheit = (Celsius X 9/5) + 32
  • Celsius = Kelvin - 273.15

2) Your Temperature class must provide the following services (i.e. member functions) in its public section. These functions will make up the interface of the Temperature class. Make sure you use function prototypes as specified here. (You may write any other private functions you feel necessary, but the public interface must include all the functionality described here).

  • the constructor(s):
    The Temperature class should have a constructor that allows the user to specify the values for the degrees and scale, using types double and char, respectively. If any of the values would result in an invalid temperature, the constructor should throw out the erroneous information and initialize the object to represent 0 Celsius, by default. Also, you should allow a Temperature object to be declared without specified parameter values, in which case it should initialize to 0 Celsius (the default).

    Examples: These declarations should be legal, and the comment gives the initialized temperature

     Temperature t1;             // initializes to 0 Celsius 
     Temperature t2(23.5, 'F');  // initializes to 23.5 Fahrenheit 
     Temperature t3(12.6, 'Z');  // invalid scale, initializes to 0 Celsius
     Temperature t4(-300, 'c');  // this is below 0 Kelvin, inits to 0 Celsius
     Temperature t5(15, 'k');    // initializes to 15 Kelvin
  • void Input()
    This function should prompt the user to enter a temperature, and then allow the user to input a temperature from the keyboard. User input is expected to be in the format degrees scale, where degrees allows values with decimal precision, and scale is entered as a character. Whenever the user attempts to enter an invalid temperature, the Input function should display an appropriate error message (like "Invalid temperature. Try again: ") and make the user re-enter the whole temperature. A few examples of some good and bad inputs:
     Legal:    43.6 k , 53.5 C , 100 F , -273.15 c
     Illegal:  12.3 q , -5 K , -278 C , -500 F       // last 3 are below absolute zero

    You may assume that the user entry will always be of the form:
    D S where D is a numeric value and S is a character

  • void Show()
    This function should simply output the temperature to the screen. There will be more than one possible format for this output, however, and your class will need to store a format setting. The Show function should use the format setting to determine the output. (There will be a member function that allows the setting to be changed). When a Temperature object is created, the format setting should start out at the "Default" setting. The possible formats are shown in the following table:
    Name Format Example Explanation
    Default D S 50.4316 C This will look mostly like the input from the Input function.
    Print the degrees and scale as double and char, with default precision on the degrees, and the scale as an uppercase letter
    Precision-1 D.d S 50.4 C Degrees printed to 1 place after the decimal, fixed format, and scale printed as an uppercase letter. This output will need to make sure to put the output stream BACK to its original format settings when you are done, (so that output from a main program isn't now set to 1 decimal place for the caller, for example). See this notes addendum for more details on this kind of thing
    Long D scale 50.4316 Celsius This display format should show the degrees in default precision, and the scale as the full word "Celsius", "Fahrenheit", or "Kelvin"

  • bool Set(double deg, char s)
    This function should set the temperature to the specified values (the first parameter represents the degrees, the second represents the scale If the resulting temperature is an invalid temperature, the operation should abort (i.e. the existing stored temperature should not be changed). This function should return true for success and false for failure (i.e. invalid temperature sent in).
  • double GetDegrees()
    char GetScale()
    These are "accessor" functions, and they should return the degrees and scale to the caller, respectively.
  • bool SetFormat(char f)
    This function allows the caller to change the format setting. The setting should be adjusted inside the object based on the character code passed in. This means that future uses of the Show function will display in this given format until the format is changed. The valid setting codes that can be passed in are:
     'D' = Default format 
     'P' = Precision-1 format 
     'L' = Long format 

    If an invalid setting code is passed in, do not alter the current format setting. This function should return true for successful format change, and false for failure (invalid setting given).

  • bool Convert(char sc)
    This function should convert the current temperature (i.e. the calling object) so that it is now represented in the new scale given in the parameter. You'll need to use the temperature conversion factors for this. If the scale provided is invalid, abort the operation and do not change the current temperature. Otherwise, convert the temperature to the new scale, so that it is equivalent to the previous representation. Return true for success, false for failure (i.e. invalid scale). Examples:
      Temperature t1(68.9, 'F');            // 68.9 Fahrenheit  
      t1.Convert('T');              // invalid scale, no change.  Returns false
      t1.Convert('c');              // t1 is now 20.5 Celsius
      t1.Convert('K');              // t1 is now 293.65 Kelvin
  • int Compare(const Temperature& d)
    This function should compare two Temperature objects (the calling object and the parameter), and should return: -1 if the calling object is the lower temperature, 0 if the objects represent the same temperature, and 1 if the parameter object is the lower temperature. The function should not change either original object. Example:
      Temperature t1(0, 'C');               // 0 Celsius
      Temperature t2(31.5, 'F');            // 31.5 Fahrenheit
      t1.Compare(t2);               // returns 1  (since t2 comes first)
      t2.Compare(t1);               // returns -1 (calling object is t2, comes first)

3) General Requirements:

  • all member data of the Temperature class must be private.
  • The const qualifier must be used on any member functions where it is appropriate
  • the only libraries that may be used in these class files are <iostream>, <iomanip>, <cctype>, and <string>. Note that you may use the string class to store the words like "Celsius", etc. Although this class can easily be written without using class string.
  • Do not use langauge or library features that are C++11-only
  • You only need to do error-checking that is specified in the descriptions above. If something is not specified (e.g. user entering a letter where a number is expected), you may assume that part of the input will be appropriate. You must always maintain a valid temperature object (in all your functions), but for keyboard input, you may assume that if you ask for a double, you will get a number (not words), for example.
  • user input and/or screen output should only be done where described (i.e. do not add in extraneous input/output).
  • no global variables, other than constants

Testing Your Class:

You will need to test your class, which means you will need to write one or more main programs that will call upon the functionality (i.e. the public member functions) of the class and exercise all of the different cases for each function. You do not need to turn any test programs in, but you should write them to verify your class' features.

Here is the beginning of a sample test program to get you started:

// sample.cpp -- sample test program starter for Temperature class

#include <iostream>
#include "temperature.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
   Temperature t1;              // should default to 0 Celsius
   Temperature t2(34.5, 'F');  // should init to 34.5 Fahrenheit 

   // display dates to the screen
   cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";
   cout << "\nTemperature t2 is: ";

   t1.Input();                  // Allow user to enter a temperature for t1
   cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";
   t1.SetFormat('L');           // change format of t1 to "Long" format
   cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";

   // and so on.  Add your own tests to fully test the class' 
   //   functionality.


Expert Solution



using namespace std;

class Temperature
   double degree;
   char scale;
   char format;
   Temperature(double deg, char sc);
   void Input();
   void Show() const;
   bool Set(double deg, char s);
   double GetDegrees() const;
   char GetScale() const;
   bool SetFormat(char f) ;
   bool Convert(char sc) ;
   int Compare(const Temperature& d) const;






   degree = 0;
   scale = 'C';
   format = 'D';
Temperature::Temperature(double deg, char s)
   format = 'D';
   // check for valid scale input
   if (!(s == 'F' || s == 'K' || s == 'C' || s == 'f' || s == 'k' || s == 'c'))
       cout << "\nInvalid scale" ;
       degree = 0.0;
       scale = 'C';
       // check if scale is fehrenheit
       if (s == 'F' || s=='f')
           // conversion of fehrenheit to celsius then celsius to kelvin
           double in_kalvin = ((deg - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
           // if input is not valid degree value
           if (in_kalvin < 0.0)
               cout << "\nThis is below 0 Kelvin" ;
               degree = 0;
               scale = 'C';
               degree = deg;
               //comversion to capital letter
               if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
                   scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
               else scale = s;
       // check if scale is kelvin and degree is invalid
       // or scale is celsius and degree is less than -273.155 which is less than 0 in kelvin
       if (((s == 'K' || s=='k') && deg < 0) || ((s == 'C'|| s=='c') && deg < -273.15))
           cout << "\nThis is below 0 Kelvin";
           degree = 0;
           scale = 'C';
           degree = deg;
           //comversion to capital letter
           if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
               scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
           else scale = s;
void Temperature::Input()
   double deg;
   char s;
   bool flag = 1; // check for not valid input
   while (flag)
       cout << "\nPlease provide temperature: ";
       cin >> deg >> s;
       // check for valid scale input
       if (!(s == 'F' || s == 'K' || s == 'C' || s == 'f' || s == 'k' || s == 'c'))
           cout << "Invalid scale in Temprature, please try again ";
           // check if scale is fehrenheit
           if (s == 'F' || s == 'f')
               // conversion of fehrenheit to celsius then celsius to kelvin
               double in_kalvin = ((deg - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
               // if input is not valid degree value
               if (in_kalvin < 0.0)
                   cout << "Invalid degree in Temprature, please try again";
                   degree = deg;
                   //comversion to capital letter
                   if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
                       scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
                   else scale = s;
                   flag = 0;
           // check if scale is kelvin and degree is invalid
           // or scale is celsius and degree is less than -273.155 which is less than 0 in kelvin
           if (((s == 'K' || s == 'k') && deg < 0) || ((s == 'C' || s == 'c') && deg < -273.15))
               cout << "Invalid degree in Temprature, please try again";
               degree = deg;
               //comversion to capital letter
               if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
                   scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
               else scale = s;
               flag = 0;

// print temprature also tested getter member function
void Temperature::Show() const
   if (format == 'D')
       cout << GetDegrees() << " " << GetScale() ;
   else if (format == 'L')
       string sc;   // creating full name string
       if (GetScale() == 'C') sc = "Celsius";
       else if (GetScale() == 'F') sc = "Fahrenheit";
       else sc = "Kelvin";
       cout << GetDegrees() << " " << sc ;
       cout << fixed<<setprecision(1) << GetDegrees() << " " << GetScale() ;
// set degree and scale if valid
bool Temperature::Set(double deg, char s)
   // check for valid scale input
   if (!(s == 'F' || s == 'K' || s == 'C' || s == 'f' || s == 'k' || s == 'c'))
       return false;
       // check if scale is fehrenheit
       if (s == 'F' || s == 'f')
           // conversion of fehrenheit to celsius then celsius to kelvin
           double in_kalvin = ((deg - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
           // if input is not valid degree value
           if (in_kalvin < 0.0)
               return false;
               degree = deg;
               //comversion to capital letter
               if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
                   scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
               else scale = s;
               return true;
       // check if scale is kelvin and degree is invalid
       // or scale is celsius and degree is less than -273.155 which is less than 0 in kelvin
       else if (((s == 'K' || s == 'k') && deg < 0) || ((s == 'C' || s == 'c') && deg < -273.15))
           return false;
           degree = deg;
           //comversion to capital letter
           if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
               scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
           else scale = s;
           return true;
// return degree of tempreture
double Temperature::GetDegrees() const
   return degree;
// return scale of tempreture
char Temperature::GetScale() const
   return scale;
// update format if input is valid format
bool Temperature::SetFormat(char f)
   //check if valid formate is input
   if (f == 'D' || f == 'P' || f == 'L')
       format = f;
       return true;
   //check if valid formate is input in small letter if allowed
   if (f == 'd' || f == 'p' || f == 'l')
       format = f -'a' + 'A';
       return false;
   // not valid input
   return false;
bool Temperature::Convert(char sc)
   char c_sc = sc; // convert to capital scale
   if (sc >= 'a' && sc <= 'z') c_sc = sc - 'a' + 'A';

   // check for valid scale input ( capital or small letter)
   if (!(c_sc == 'F' || c_sc == 'K' || c_sc == 'C' ))
       return false;
   // convert degree accordint to present scale and required scale
   if (c_sc == 'F' && scale == 'C')
       degree = ((degree * 9) / 5.0) + 32;
   else if (c_sc == 'F' && scale == 'K')
       // first conversion to celsius then converted to fehrenheit
       degree = (((degree-273.15) * 9) / 5.0) + 32;
   else if (c_sc == 'C' && scale == 'F')
       degree = ((degree - 32) * 5) / 9.0;
   else if (c_sc == 'C' && scale == 'K')
       degree = degree - 273.15;
   else if (c_sc == 'K' && scale == 'F')
       // first converted to celsius than converted to kelvin
       degree = ((degree - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
   else if (c_sc == 'K' && scale == 'C')
       degree = degree + 273.15;
   //update scale and return true;
   scale = c_sc;
   return true;
// compare degree to calling object and input object
int Temperature::Compare(const Temperature& d) const
   double degr_d = d.GetDegrees();
   char scale_d = d.GetScale();
   // if scale of d is not matching with calling object
   // convert degree to same scale locally;
   if (scale == 'C' && scale_d == 'F')
       degr_d = ((degr_d - 32) * 5) / 9.0;
   else if (scale == 'C' && scale_d == 'K')
       degr_d = degr_d - 273.15;
   else if (scale == 'F' && scale_d == 'C')
       degr_d = ((degr_d *9)/5.0) + 32;
   else if (scale == 'F' && scale_d == 'K')
       // first convert to celsius then to fehrenhit
       degr_d = (((degr_d - 273.15) * 9) / 5.0) + 32;
   else if (scale == 'K' && scale_d == 'F')
       // first convert to celsius then to kelvin
       degr_d = ((degr_d - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
   else if (scale == 'K' && scale_d == 'C')
       degr_d = degr_d + 273.15;

   // if calling object is having higher degree
   if (degree > degr_d) return 1;
   // if calling object is having less degree
   if (degree < degr_d) return -1;
   // both are having same tempraturee
   return 0;




#include <iostream>
#include "temperature.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
   Temperature t1;              // should default to 0 Celsius
   Temperature t2(34.5, 'F'); // should init to 34.5 Fahrenheit
   Temperature t3(-5, 'K'); // invalid degree in kalvin
   Temperature t4(-274, 'C'); // invalid degree in calsius
   Temperature t5(10, 'T'); // invalid scale;

   // display temprature to the screen
   cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";
   cout << "\nTemperature t2 is: ";
   cout << "\nTemperature t3 is: ";
   cout << "\nTemperature t4 is: ";
   cout << "\nTemperature t5 is: ";

   t1.Input();                  // Allow user to enter a temperature for t1
   cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";

   t1.SetFormat('L');           // change format of t1 to "Long" format
   cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";

   t2.SetFormat('P');           // change format of t2 to "presicion-1" format
   cout << "\nTemperature t2 is: ";

   bool t3_set = t3.Set(45, 'c');   // set temperatur of t3
   if (t3_set)cout << "\nSuccessfully set temperature of t3";
   else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to set temperature of t3";
   cout << "\nTemperature t4 is: ";
   bool t4_set = t4.Set(45, 't'); // failed to set temperature
   if (t4_set)cout << "\nSuccessfully set temperature of t4";
   else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to set temperature of t4";
   cout << "\nTemperature t5 is: ";

   bool t5_convert = t5.Convert('K'); // convert t5 to kelvin
   if (t5_convert)cout << "\nSuccessfully convert temperature of t5";
   else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to convert temperature of t5";
   cout << "\nTemperature t5 is: ";

   bool t4_convert = t4.Convert('p'); // failed convert of t4
   if (t4_convert)cout << "\nSuccessfully convert temperature of t4";
   else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to convert temperature of t4";
   cout << "\nTemperature t4 is: ";

   int t1_t2 = t1.Compare(t2);
   if (t1_t2 == 1) cout << "\nTemperature t1 is greater than temperature t2";
   else if (t1_t2 == -1 )cout << "\nTemperature t2 is greater than temperature t1";
   else cout << "\nBoth temperature t1 and t2 are equal";

   // and so on. Add your own tests to fully test the class'
   //   functionality.
   cout << "\n";
   return 0;


output 1:case t1<t2

output 2: case t1 == t2

output 3: case t1> t2

Note: I have tried my best to test all member function.

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