
In: Computer Science

Needed in C++ In this assignment, you are asked to create a class called Account, which...

Needed in C++

In this assignment, you are asked to create a class called Account, which models a bank account. The requirement of the account class is as follows

(1) It contains two data members: accountNumber and balance, which maintains the current account name and balance, respectively.

(1) It contains three functions: functions credit() and debit(), which adds or subtracts the given amount from the balance, respectively. The debit() function shall print ”amount withdrawn exceeds the current balance!” if the amount is more than balance. A function print(), which shall print ”A/C no: xxx Balance=xxx” (e.g., A/C no: 991234 Balance=$88.88), with balance rounded to two decimal places.

When you submit your code, please upload your class code(s) and your test code to prove that your code works correctly.


Expert Solution

using namespace std;
//class account
class Account
       long int accountNumber;
       double balance;
       Account(); //constructor to assign the account number
       void credit(); //method credit
       void debit(); //method debit
       void print();//method print
Account :: Account()
    //generate a random number and assign to accountnumber
    accountNumber = rand() % 9900000 + 99999;
//credit method
void Account :: credit()
    double amt;
    cout<<endl<<"Enter the amount to deposit";
    cin>>amt; //input the amount to ccredit
           balance = balance + amt; //update the amount
           cout<<endl<<"Your account credited $"<<amt<<" successfully";

    cout<<endl<<"Invalid amount";
//debit method
void Account :: debit()
   double amt;
   cout<<endl<<"Enter the amount to withdraw";
   cin>>amt; //input the amount to withdraw
   if(amt>balance) //check the validity of amount
      cout<<endl<<"Amount withdrawn exceeds the current balance";
       balance= balance-amt;//update the balance
   //print method
   void Account :: print()
      //print the details
      cout<<endl<<"Account Number : "<<accountNumber;
      cout<<endl<<"Balance in account : $"<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<balance;
   //driver program
   int main()
       Account aobj; //create object
       int opt;
       //infinite loop
       { //display menu
           cout<<endl<<" 1. CREDIT\n 2. DEBIT\n 3. PRINT \n 4.EXIT";
           cout<<endl<<"Enter your choice : ";
           if(opt==1) //option for credit
               if(opt==2) //option for debit
               if(opt==3) //option for print
               if(opt==4) //option for exit
               cout<<endl<<"Invalid Choice";


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