
In: Math

An emergency service wishes to see whether a relationship exists between the outside temperature and the...

An emergency service wishes to see whether a relationship exists between the outside temperature and the number of emergency calls it receives for a 7-hour period. The data are shown. Emergency Calls and Temperatures Temperature x 68 74 82 88 93 99 101 No. of calls y 7 4 8 10 11 9 13

a. Describe the linear relationship between the temperature and the number of calls.

b. Calculate the correlation coefficient, r.

c. Is r statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Explain.

d. Determine the equation of the line of best fit.

e. Calculate and interpret the coefficient of determination, 2 r .

f. Predict the number of calls when the temperature is 80degrees.

g. Predict the temperature outside when the number of calls is 6.

h. Predict the number of calls when the temperature is 59 degrees


Expert Solution

Data as below

Temperature (x) No. of calls (y)
68 7
74 4
82 8
88 10
93 11
99 9
101 13

1. Linear relationship between variables

The equation has the form Y=a+bX, where Y is the dependent variable (that’s the variable that goes on the Y axis), X is the independent variable (i.e. it is plotted on the X axis), b is the slope of the line and a is the y-intercept

From the table we can calculate

Temperature (x) No. of calls (y) xy x^2 y^2
68 7 476 4624 49
74 4 296 5476 16
82 8 656 6724 64
88 10 880 7744 100
93 11 1023 8649 121
99 9 891 9801 81
101 13 1313 10201 169
605 62 5535 53219 600

We can say that

Σx 605
Σy 62
Σxy 5535
Σx^2 53219
Σy^2 600

using the formula as below to calculate a and b

In our case n = 7 (sample size)

a = [(62)(53219) - (605)(5535)] / [(7)(53219) - (605)^2]

Σy * Σx^2 3299578
Σx * Σxy 3348675
n* Σx^2 372533
Σx ^ 2 366025
a -7.5

b = [(7)(5535) - (605)(62)] / [(7)(53219) - (605)^2]

n* Σxy 38745
Σx * Σy 37510
n* Σx^2 372533
Σx ^ 2 366025
b 0.19

Hence the regression equation is

y = a + b x

y = -7.5 + 0.19 x

Hence we can say that

No. of calls = -7.5 + 0.19 Temperature

2. To calculate r

Formula is

Putting the values in the formula

n* Σxy 38745
Σx * Σy 37510
n* Σx^2 372533
Σx ^ 2 366025
n*Σy^2 4200
Σy ^2 3844
r 0.811357
R^2 65.8%

Calculating ANOVA Table

Using below formula for ANOVA table

Source of Variation DF SS MS F
Regression 1 SSR=∑ni=1(y^i−y¯)2 MSR=SSR/1 F∗=MSR/MSE
Residual error n-2 SSE=∑ni=1(yi−y^i)2 MSE=SSE/n−2
Total n-1 SSTO=∑ni=1(yi−y¯)2

Looking for p-value using F value

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 33.4802 33.4802 9.63 0.027
Error 5 17.3769 3.4754
Total 6 50.8571

P-value = 0.027

Since P value is less than the level of significance (0.05)

A low p-value (< 0.05) indicates that, a predictor that has a low p-value is likely to be a meaningful addition to your model because changes in the predictor's value are related to changes in the response variable. Conversely, a larger (insignificant) p-value suggests that changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response

Hence we can say that the regression model is significant

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