
In: Computer Science

Write a program in C++ that solves this problem Calculate the area and volume of a...

Write a program in C++ that solves this problem

Calculate the area and volume of a sphere problem.

Inside a for loop,

vary the radius from 10 to 40  with a step or increment of 5

and calculate the area and volume

Your radius will be equal to your loop counter.

All calculations should have 2 decimal places, but the radius should have zero decimal places and any number of 1,000 or more should have a comma.

Print the radius, area, and volume in a table format, with 3 columns. Note: you don’t have to print grid lines.

Print column headings above the loop and all the calculations inside the loop. The column headings would just be Radius, Area, and Volume. Right justify your data under your column headings

Below the loop, print the sum of the radii, the sum of the areas, and the sum of the volumes. The sum of the areas and the sum of the volumes should have 2 decimal places and commas. The sum of the radii should have zero decimal places.

Answer must be formatted like the following


10            1,256.64            4,188.79

15            2,827.43           14,137.15

20            5,026.54           33,510.29

25            7,853.97           65,449.79

30           11,309.72          113,097.24

35           15,393.79          179,594.23

40           20,106.18          268,082.35



175           63,774.28          678,059.84

Radius             Area           Volume

       10      1,256.64          4,188.79

       15      2,827.43        14,137.17

       20      5,026.55        33,510.32

       25      7,853.98        65,449.85

       30    11,309.73      113,097.34

       35    15,393.80      179,594.38

       40    20,106.19      268,082.57

Sum of Radii:   175

Sum of Areas:   63,774.33

Sum of Volumes: 678,060.41


Expert Solution

using namespace std;
//structure to print comma after thousand place
struct comma_facet : public std::numpunct<char>
{ protected: string do_grouping() const { return "\003" ; } };
//driver program
int main()
    int i=10,sum=0;
    cout.imbue( locale( cout.getloc(), new comma_facet ) ) ;
    double area,volume,sumarea=0,sumvolume=0;
    //first part output
    //display the heading
    //loop to compute the area and volume of sphere starting from radius 10 to 40
    //step value 5
       area = 4 * 3.14159265 * i*i;//compute area
       volume = ((double)4/3) * 3.14159265 * (i*i*i);//compute volume
       sum=sum+i;//find the radius totals
       sumarea=sumarea+area;//compute the area totals
       sumvolume=sumvolume+volume;//compute the volume totals
       //display the details
       cout<<endl<<i<<"\t "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<area<<"\t "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<volume;
   //display the totals
   cout<<endl<<"Totals : ";
   cout<<endl<<sum<<"\t "<<sumarea<<"\t"<<sumvolume;
   //second part output
   sumarea=0;sumvolume=0;//set sumaea and sumvolume to 0
    cout<<endl<<"Radius Area Volume";
    //loop to compute the area and volume of sphere starting from radius 10 to 40
    //step value 5
       area = 4 * 3.14159265 * i*i;
       volume = ((double)4/3) * 3.14159265 * (i*i*i);
       sum=sum+i;//find the radius totals
       sumarea=sumarea+area;//compute the area totals
       sumvolume=sumvolume+volume;//compute the volume totals
       //display the details
       cout<<endl<<i<<"\t "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<area<<"\t "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<volume;
   //display the totals
   cout<<endl<<"Sum of Radii : "<<sum;
   cout<<endl<<"Sum of Areas : "<<sumarea;
   cout<<endl<<"Sum of Volumes : "<<sumvolume;


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