
In: Computer Science

Part One: Write an interactive program to calculate the volume and surface area of a three-dimensional...

Part One: Write an interactive program to calculate the volume and surface area of a three-dimensional object. Use the following guidelines to write your program:

  1. Create a word problem that involves calculating the volume and surface area of a three-dimensional object. Choose one of the following:
    • Cube: surface area 6 s2 , volume s3
    • Sphere: surface area 4πr2 , volume (4.0/3.0) π r3
    • Cylinder: surface area 2π r2 + 2 π r h, volume π r2 h
    • Cone: surface area πr(r+√(h2+r2) ), volume 1.0/3.0 π r2 h
  2. Print the description of the word problem for the user to read.
  3. Ask the user to enter the information necessary to perform the calculations.
  4. Use 3.14 for the value of π as needed.
  5. Print the results of each calculation.
  6. Write the pseudocode for this program. Be sure to include the needed input, calculations, and output.

Part Two: Code the program. Use the following guidelines to code your program.

  1. To code the program, use the Python IDLE.
  2. Using comments, type a heading that includes your name, today’s date, and a short description of the program.
  3. Follow the Python style conventions regarding indentation and the use of white space in your program.
  4. Use meaningful names for all variables.


Expert Solution

Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. Thanks


# value for pi
pi = 3.14

def surfaceArea(radius, height):
    this method calculates the surface area of a cylinder with
    given radius and height
area = (2 * pi * radius * radius) + (2 * pi * radius * height)
    return area

def volume(radius, height):
        this method calculates the volume of a cylinder with
        given radius and height
vol = pi * radius * radius * height
    return vol

def main():
    # printing description
    # print your name and other details here.

    # getting radius and height from user
radius = float(input('Enter the radius: '))
    height = float(input('Enter the height: '))
    # finding and displaying area and volume
area = surfaceArea(radius, height)
    vol = volume(radius, height)
    print('The surface area is:', area)
    print('The volume is:', vol)

# calling main()



Enter the radius: 25

Enter the height: 60

The surface area is: 13345.0

The volume is: 117750.0

#pseudocode (plain english)

1. Initialize Pi to 3.14

2. Read radius, height

3. Set area = (2 * pi * radius * radius) + (2 * pi * radius * height)

4. Set volume = pi * radius * radius * height

5. Display area, volume

6. Quit

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