Both words are used interchangeably but they are different
disciplines as information is data collection ,storage usage and
knowledge management is more about people wisdom and knowledge can
be taken advantage of .
Information management'
- is about data and information
- facts figures numbers are structured or unstructured
- It is technology driven as it codes and esily transferable
- It is explicit in nature ie well articulated
- It is more about infornauon aquistion ,storage analysis
- It deals with know what ie statitics and facts
- It is easy to emulate as it is coded
- There is no course of action here ,no complexity and focus on
work related
Knowldege managment
- More about wisdom understanding
- Deals with codified and uncodified ie experience based .,
context based ,unarticulated knowledge
- It deals with know what ,know why ,know who
- It deals with exploring discovering existing knowledge ,
acquiring new knowledege ,creating ,organising it and sharing
- emphasises more on people and proccesses ie bringing people
together through interactions ,mentoring ,ollaborations for
discussing sharing and transfering thoughts notes .
- It is tacit knowledge and diffficult to copy it needs
understanding right experience right conteXt to teach
- It helps to attain organisational effectiveness efficiciency
,competitive advantage,maximisation of organisational potential,and
manage the intellectual resources capital.