
In: Math

Identify the level of measurement of each of the following variables (Nominal, Ordinal, or Scale (Ratio):...

Identify the level of measurement of each of the following variables (Nominal, Ordinal, or Scale (Ratio):

1.  County names in a state

2. Number of participants in food stamp programs.

3. Reputations of colleagues ranked on the scale of Very High to Very Low.

4. Leadership ability measured on a scale from 0 to 5.

5. Divisions within a state agency.

6. Inventory broken down into three categories: tightly controlled, moderately controlled, or minimally controlled.


Expert Solution

We know that nominal data is represented by named variable, ordinal data is represented by named and ordered variable

Ratio scale is represented by named, ordered and numerical values.

1.  County names in a state

It is nominal data because it is only named, no specific ordering is required.

2. Number of participants in food stamp programs.

It is ratio scale because the number of participants in food stamp programs has absolute zero value and it also has same distance or difference between each number.

3. Reputations of colleagues ranked on the scale of Very High to Very Low.

it is ordinal data because it is named as well as ordered from very high to very low

4. Leadership ability measured on a scale from 0 to 5.

It is ratio scale because there is a difference of 1 unit between every two consecutive leadership measurement on the scale.

5. Divisions within a state agency.

It is nominal data because all the divisions within a state agency can be defined by their names only, so no ranking is required. Thus,it is nominal data

6. Inventory broken down into three categories: tightly controlled, moderately controlled, or minimally controlled.

it is ordinal data because we have three categories which can be ranked from tightly controlled to minimally controlled.

So, it is ordinal data

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