
In: Computer Science

*********C++ Program************ This assignment is the continuation of project 4, with the modification and improvement with...

*********C++ Program************

This assignment is the continuation of project 4, with the modification and improvement with the following modifications:

  • In Frac.h, replace the methods addition (const Fraction & ), subtraction( const Fraction& ), multiply( const Fraction & ), divide( const Fraction & ), void printFraction() by overloading operators +, -, *, /, << respectively.
  • Add overloading operators > and < so that they can compare two Fractions.
  • Write your own implementation file which is named Frac2.cpp to replace Frac.cpp and implement the Fraction class and the necessary overloading operators.
  • Download the driver lab5driver.cpp to test your codes. If your codes in files Frac2.h and Frac2.cpp are correct, the standard output after the execution of your program should like the following:

7/3 + 1/3 = 8/3

7/3 - 1/3 = 2

7/3 * 1/3 = 7/9

7/3 / 1/3 = 7

7/3 is:

> 1/3 according to the overloaded > operator

>= 1/3 according to the overloaded < operator

Press any key to continue


#ifndef FRACTION_H
#define FRACTION_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Fraction {                   // not fully commented
   Fraction(int = 0, int = 1);   // default constructor
   Fraction add(const Fraction&); //addition function
   Fraction subtract(const Fraction&); //subtraction function
   Fraction multiply(const Fraction&); //multiplication function
   Fraction division(const Fraction&); //division function
   void display(ostream& out) const; //display function
   void printFractionAsFloat(ostream& out) const; //print the fraction as a float function

   int numerator;
   int denominator;
   void reduce();               // utility function, reduce to lowest terms



#include <cmath>
#include "Fraction.h"
using namespace std;

//------------------------------ Fraction ------------------------------------
// default constructor: parameters are numerator and denominator respectively
// if the number is negative, the negative is always stored in the numerator
Fraction::Fraction(int n, int d)
   numerator = (d < 0 ? -n : n);
   denominator = (d < 0 ? -d : d);

//(a)--------------------------------- add --------------------------------------
// overloaded +: addition of 2 Fractions, current object and parameter
Fraction Fraction::add(const Fraction& a)
   Fraction t;

   t.numerator = a.numerator * denominator + a.denominator * numerator;
   t.denominator = a.denominator * denominator;

   return t;

//(b)------------------------------ subtract ------------------------------------
// subtraction of 2 Fractions, current object and parameter
//overload operator -

Fraction Fraction::subtract(const Fraction& a)
   Fraction t;
   int num = this->numerator; //the value of numerator equals the num
   int denom = this->denominator; //the value of denominator equals the denom
   int second_num = a.numerator; //second numerator equals the second num
   int second_denom = a.denominator; //the second denominator equals the second denom
   int overall_numerator = (num* second_denom - denom * second_num); //equation for the numerator
   int den = (denom * second_denom); //equation for the denominator
   t.numerator = overall_numerator; //setting the value of the overall numerator to t.numerator
   t.denominator = den; //setting the value of the den to t.denominator
   t.reduce(); //reduce the fration
   return t; //return the fraction value

//Multpilication function that overrides the multiplication function

Fraction Fraction::multiply(const Fraction& a)
   Fraction t; //declared variable
   t.numerator = a.numerator * numerator; //simple equation for multiplication
   t.denominator = a.denominator * denominator;
   return t;

//division function that overrides the / operator

Fraction Fraction::division(const Fraction& a)
   Fraction t;
   t.numerator = numerator * a.denominator;
   t.denominator = a.numerator * denominator;

   return t;

//the display function the displays the fraction as numerator/denominator

void Fraction::display(ostream& out) const
   out << numerator << "/" << denominator;

//the float function that turns the fration into a decimal

void Fraction::printFractionAsFloat(ostream& out) const
   if (denominator == 0)
       out << "The fraction has a denomintor of 0!";

       out << float(numerator) / float(denominator);

void Fraction::reduce()
   int i;
   i = abs(denominator * numerator); //set the value of integer i to the denominator multiplied by the
   //absolute value of numerator

   while (i > 1) //will cntinue through the loop until i is equal equal to or less than one
       if ((denominator % i == 0) && (numerator % i == 0))
           denominator /= i;
           numerator /= i;




Expert Solution

//--------- Frac2.h -----------
#ifndef FRACTION_H
#define FRACTION_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Fraction { // not fully commented
Fraction(int = 0, int = 1); // default constructor
Fraction operator + (const Fraction&); //addition function
Fraction operator - (const Fraction&); //subtraction function
Fraction operator *(const Fraction&); //multiplication function
Fraction operator /(const Fraction&); //division function
bool operator <(const Fraction& f);
bool operator >(const Fraction& f);
void printFractionAsFloat(ostream& out) const; //print the fraction as a float function
friend ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const Fraction &f);

int numerator;
int denominator;
void reduce(); // utility function, reduce to lowest terms


//--------- Frac2.cpp -----------
#include <cmath>
#include "Frac2.h"
using namespace std;

//------------------------------ Fraction ------------------------------------
// default constructor: parameters are numerator and denominator respectively
// if the number is negative, the negative is always stored in the numerator
Fraction::Fraction(int n, int d)
numerator = (d < 0 ? -n : n);
denominator = (d < 0 ? -d : d);

//(a)--------------------------------- add --------------------------------------
// overloaded +: addition of 2 Fractions, current object and parameter
Fraction Fraction:: operator +(const Fraction& a)
Fraction t;

t.numerator = a.numerator * denominator + a.denominator * numerator;
t.denominator = a.denominator * denominator;

return t;

//(b)------------------------------ subtract ------------------------------------
// subtraction of 2 Fractions, current object and parameter
//overload operator -

Fraction Fraction::operator -(const Fraction& a)
Fraction t;
int num = this->numerator; //the value of numerator equals the num
int denom = this->denominator; //the value of denominator equals the denom
int second_num = a.numerator; //second numerator equals the second num
int second_denom = a.denominator; //the second denominator equals the second denom
int overall_numerator = (num* second_denom - denom * second_num); //equation for the numerator
int den = (denom * second_denom); //equation for the denominator
t.numerator = overall_numerator; //setting the value of the overall numerator to t.numerator
t.denominator = den; //setting the value of the den to t.denominator
t.reduce(); //reduce the fration
return t; //return the fraction value

//Multpilication function that overrides the multiplication function

Fraction Fraction::operator *(const Fraction& a)
Fraction t; //declared variable
t.numerator = a.numerator * numerator; //simple equation for multiplication
t.denominator = a.denominator * denominator;
return t;

//division function that overrides the / operator

Fraction Fraction::operator /(const Fraction& a)
Fraction t;
t.numerator = numerator * a.denominator;
t.denominator = a.numerator * denominator;

return t;

//the float function that turns the fration into a decimal

void Fraction::printFractionAsFloat(ostream& out) const
if (denominator == 0)
out << "The fraction has a denomintor of 0!";

out << float(numerator) / float(denominator);

void Fraction::reduce()
int i;
i = abs(denominator * numerator); //set the value of integer i to the denominator multiplied by the
//absolute value of numerator

while (i > 1) //will cntinue through the loop until i is equal equal to or less than one
if ((denominator % i == 0) && (numerator % i == 0))
denominator /= i;
numerator /= i;



bool Fraction::operator < (const Fraction &f)
float res = numerator/(float)denominator;
float res2 = f.numerator/(float)f.denominator;
if(res < res2)
return true;
return false;
bool Fraction::operator > (const Fraction &f)
float res = numerator/(float)denominator;
float res2 = f.numerator/(float)f.denominator;
if(res > res2)
return true;
return false;

//--------- lab5driver.cpp -----------
#include <iostream>
#include "Frac2.h"
using namespace std;
ostream & operator << (ostream & out, const Fraction & f)
out << f.numerator;
if (f.denominator != 1)
out << "/" << f.denominator;

return out;

main ()
Fraction a (7, 3);
Fraction b (1, 3);
Fraction c;
cout << "Fraction A: " << a << endl;
cout << "Fraction B: " << b << endl;
c = a + b;

cout << "a + b = " << c << endl;

c = a - b;
cout << "a - b = " << c << endl;;

c = a * b;
cout << "a * b = " << c << endl;;

c = a / b;
cout << "a / b = " << c << endl;;

cout << "Is " << a << " < " << b << "?: ";
if (a < b)
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
cout << "Is " << a << " > " << b << "?: ";
if (a > b)
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
return 0;

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