In: Physics
Apart from establishing safety while working/testing on electric system and equipments specified in these Safety Rules and Safety Instructions, General Safety shall always be established and maintained. The person responsible for establishing such General Safety will be the Company Officer holding the Safety Document before working / testing starts. During the working / testing the Company in charge of the work shall ensure that all members of the working crew maintain General Safety. It is the responsibility of all members of the working party.
All Safety Rules, Safety Instructions and Procedures are mandatory. Similarly all relevant Safety Rules issued by Competent Authorities shall also be considered mandatory when designated as such in Basic Safety Rules.
Recent concerns about T&D systems have stemmed from inadequate investment to meet growing demand, the limited ability of those systems to accommodate renewable-energy sources that generate electricity intermittently, and vulnerability to major blackouts involving cascading failures. Moreover, effective and significant utilization of intermittent renewable generation located away from major load centers cannot be accomplished without significant additions to the transmission system. In addition, distribution systems often are incompatible with demand-side options that might otherwise be economical. Modernization of electric T&D systems could alleviate all of these concerns.