
In: Computer Science

Write a complete and syntactically correct Python program to solve the following problem: You are the...

Write a complete and syntactically correct Python program to solve the following problem: You are the payroll manager for SoftwarePirates Inc. You have been charged with writing a package that calculates the monthly paycheck for the salespeople. Salespeople at SoftwarePirates get paid a base salary of $2000 per month. Beyond the base salary, each salesperson earns commission on the following scale: Sales Commission Rate Bonus <$10000 0% 0 $10000 – $100,000 2% 0 $100,001 - $500,000 15% $1000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 28% $5000 >$1,000,000 35% $100,000 The following additional conditions apply: 1. If a salesperson has taken more than 3 vacation days in a month, their pay gets reduced by $200 2. A salesperson earns a bonus only if they have been with the company for 3 months or more 3. For salespeople who have been with the company for 5 years or more and who have made sales greater than $100,000 an additional bonus of $1000 is added. All input to the program will be interactive from the keyboard. The output of the program will include: a. The name of the salesperson b. Their longevity with the company c. Their base salary d. The commission earned (in Dollars) e. The bonus earned f. Additional bonus earned (if any) g. Deductions (if any) h. A total gross paycheck i. Your output should look like a paystub (NOT in paragraph format) j. All currency should be formatted with a $ sign and 2 decimal places


Expert Solution


Python version : 2.7

Python program to calculate the monthly paycheck for the salespeople.


print('Payroll manager for SoftwarePirates Inc\n')

# input of name

name = raw_input('Enter your name : ')

# input of number of vacation days taken

vacation_days = int(raw_input('Number of vacation days taken : '))

# input of number of months with the company

longevity = int(raw_input('Number of months with the company : '))

# input of sales amount for the month

sales = float(raw_input('Enter sales amount : '))

# set the base salary

base_salary = 2000;

salary = base_salary

# calculate the number of years and months with the company

years = int(longevity/12)

months = (longevity - (12*years))

# set variables for deduction, additional_bonus and commission

deduction = 0

additional_bonus = 0

commission = 0

# calculate the commission_percent and bonus based on the sales

if sales < 10000 :

               commission_percent = 0

               bonus = 0

elif sales <= 100000         :

               commission_percent = 0.02

               bonus = 0

elif sales <=500000          :

               commission_percent = 0.15

               bonus = 1000

elif sales <= 1000000:

               commission_percent = 0.28

               bonus = 5000


               commission_percent = 0.35

               bonus = 100000

# calculate total commission       

commission =(sales*commission_percent)            

# determine deduction

if vacation_days > 3 :      

               deduction = 200

# determine if bonus is applicable or not

if longevity < 3:

               bonus = 0

# determine additional_bonus     

if( (longevity >= 60) and (sales > 100000)):

               additional_bonus = 1000

# calculate gross salary for the month     

salary = base_salary + commission - deduction + additional_bonus              


# output the data            

print('\nName of the salesperson : '+name)

if(years > 0 and months > 0):

               print('Longevity with the company : %d years %d months'%(years,months))

elif(years > 0):

               print('Longevity with the company : %d years '%(years))


               print('Longevity with the company : %d months '%(months))

print('Base Salary : $%.2f' %(base_salary))             

print('The commission earned: $%.2f' %(commission))

if(bonus > 0):

               print('The bonus earned : $%.2f' %(bonus))

if(additional_bonus > 0):

               print('Additional bonus earned $%.2f' %(additional_bonus))


if(deduction > 0):

               print('Deductions : $%.2f' %(deduction))

print('Total gross paycheck :$%.2f '%(salary))          

#end of program             

Code Screenshot:


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