
In: Computer Science

IN PYTHON Write a program to do the following: Solve the a set of equations as...

IN PYTHON Write a program to do the following:

Solve the a set of equations as mentioned in "Zybook 5.20 LAB: Brute force equation solver". Instead of the arithmetic operators use your own function defined in a module named calc.

You must provide two files (, :-


  • Add function named 'add' instead of using operator '+' [10pts]
  • Add function named 'difference' instead of using operator '-' [10pts]
  • Add function named 'product' instead of using operator '*' [10pts]
  • Add function named 'divide' instead of using operator '/' but only upto a 5point precision [10pts]
  • Use docstrings in Section 6.16 or lecture slides to comment your functions [10pts]

2) Use and run it in python to make sure your functions are implemented correctly. (do not modify) [15pts]

You should see an output as shown below. If you see an error try to understand the error and fix your function in

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  • define a function "solve_eqs(eq1, eq2)" that take in two liss eq1 and eq2 each of length 3 as parameter and prints the solution [15pts]
    • for example if equation is ax+by=c, then eq1=[a,b,c]
    • If the length is not 3, then the program exits
  • the solver that uses functions that you implemented instead of "+ * / -"[15pts]
    Hint: Use "import calc" or "from calc import add" to import module or function and use "add" through function calls "calc.add" or "add" into your code (See 11.3 for more details)
  • Keep solving equations until user enters input that results in a list which has a length not equal to 3. [5pts]

A sample run must look like this:

Equation 1 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):8 7 38
Equation 2 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):3 -5 -1
3 2
Equation 1 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):5 2 3
Equation 2 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):4 2 9
No solution
Equation 1 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):1 -1 6
Equation 2 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):1 1 8
7 1
Equation 1 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):1s jkj
Equation 2 (enter ax+b=c as 'a b c'):hj k


Expert Solution

Output code

import sys
import calc
def solve_eqs(eq1,eq2):
        if len(eq1)!=3 or len(eq2)!=3:
                return 'Quit'
                return x,y
while True:
                eq1=list(map(int,input("Equation 1 (enter ax+by=c as 'a b c'):").split()))
                eq2=list(map(int,input("Equation 2 (enter ax+by=c as 'a b c'):").split()))
                if ans=='Quit':

Proof for above value of x and y

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