
In: Computer Science

Write a complete Java Program to solve the following problem. February 18 is a special date...

Write a complete Java Program to solve the following problem.

February 18 is a special date as this is the date that can be divisible by both 9 and 18

Write a program that asks the user for a numerical month and numerical day of the month and then determines whether that date occurs before, after, or on February 18.

If the date occurs before February 18, output the word Before. If the date occurs after February 18, output the word After. If the date is February 18, output the word Special.

Note: Passing the sample test cases are not enough to earn the full marks. You need to test your program for different months and dates to see whether your program will work in all the cases.


The input consists of two integers each on a separate line. These integers represent a date in 2015.
The first line will contain the month, which will be an integer in the range from 1 (indicating January) to 12 (indicating December).
The second line will contain the day of the month, which will be an integer in the range from 1 to 31. You can assume that the day of the month will be valid for the given month.


Exactly one of Before, After or Special will be printed on one line.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3


Sample Output 3


Must be coded in java. Easy code for grade 11 class


Expert Solution

Code :-

import java.util.Scanner;

class SpecialDay{
public static void main(String[] args){

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
int month=sc.nextInt();
int day=sc.nextInt();
if(month>=1 && month <=12){

if(month==2 && day==18){
else if(month<=2 && day<18){
else {



Code with explanation :-

import java.util.Scanner;

class SpecialDay{
public static void main(String[] args){

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
int month=sc.nextInt();
int day=sc.nextInt();
if(month>=1 && month <=12){    //code executes only when the month is a valid input

if(month==2 && day==18){          // if month is 2 and day is 18 then its a special day
else if(month<=2 && day<18){      // if month is less than or equal to 2 and day is less than 
                                 //18 then its "Before" is printed.
else {                              //In all the other remaining cases output should be "After"
                                 //Note:- Code executes only when valid month is given
                                 // Day is assumed to be correct to the respective month.


Output Screenshot :-


Thank you.

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