
In: Computer Science

In Python Find the errors, debug the program, and then execute to show the output. def...

In Python

Find the errors, debug the program, and then execute to show the output.

def main():
    Calories1 = input( "How many calories are in the first food?")
    Calories2 = input( "How many calories are in the first food?")
    showCalories(calories1, calories2)
def showCalories():
    print('The total calories you ate today', format(calories1 + calories2,'.2f'))


Expert Solution


#definition of main()
def main():
calories1 = float(input("How many calories are in the first food? "))
calories2 = float(input("How many calories are in the second food? "))
#calling showCalories() with 2 arguments
showCalories(calories1, calories2)
def showCalories(calories1, calories2):
#printing the total calories  
print("The total calories you ate today: %.2f" %(calories1+calories2))

#calling main()

Program screenshot:


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