
In: Computer Science

Given the following password generator: ● |Σ| = 94 (the printable characters on a US keyboard)...

Given the following password generator:
● |Σ| = 94 (the printable characters on a US keyboard)
● |k| = 7
● Assume that the password generated is a random arrangement of k characters from Σ

a) What is the entropy of a password generated by this system (show your work)?
b) Assume an attacker has the hash and seed for a password generated by this system. The attacker also has a computer that can generate 1010 hashes per second. How long (in seconds,
hours, days, or years) will it take the attacker to find the password?


Expert Solution

Generating a password with same characters is bit easy to crack, whereas generating a password containing alphabets, digits and symbols makes it difficult to crack it.


a) Entropy of a password defines how much difficult it is to predict and crack the password.

    Here's the formula to calculate the Entropy,

  • Entropy (E) =|K| * log2(), where |K| is the length of the password and is the number of printable characters in the US keyboard.
  • We have |K| = 7 and = 94
  • Number of available characters ^ length of the password, gives the total possible combination of the password.
  • ^|K| = 94^7
  • 94^7 = 64,847,759,419,264 possible combinations of the password.
  • Entropy (E) = 7 * log2(94)
  • log2(94) = 6.554588852
  • Let's round off the value to one decimal place, therefore log2(94) = 6.5
  • 6.5 is the value of entropy per character
  • Now, Entropy (E) = 7 * 6.5 , where 7 is the length of the password
  • Entropy (E) = 45.5


b) Hashing is a technique used to shorten the length of a data, it is similar to encryption but it is a one way encryption.

  • Hashing the password creates a new random string for that password, which can be used to store it in a memory.
  • If we create a username and password to signup into a system/website. a hash for our password will be created and it will be stored in the memory. Our actual password will not be stored in the memory.
  • Next time if we enter the password to login to a system, the system generates a hash for the password we have entered and the system checks the newly generated hash with the already stored hash in its memory.
  • If both the hashes successfully matches, then we gain access to the system, else we have to try again.
  • Hashing a password ensures the safety of the password, even if a attacker gets the hash, it is nearly difficult to get back the

Calculation the time taken to crack the password:

  • Number of available characters ^ length of the password, gives the total possible combination of the password.
  • 94^7 = 64,847,759,419,264 possible combinations of the password.
  • The attacker has to hash all these 64,847,759,419,264 possible combinations of the password to match with the hash value he already have with him.
  • He adds the seed to each possible combination of the password to get the hash.
  • The seed is a 'salt' which is added to the actual password to create the hash value.
  • As he can generate 1010 hashes per second, and we there is 64,847,759,419,264 combination of hashes to check with, it roughly takes long years.
  • 1010 = 10000000000
  • 10000000000 x 60(seconds) = 600000000000 generated hashes per minute
  • 600000000000 x 60(minutes) = 36,000,000,000,000 generated hashes per hour
  • 64,847,759,419,264 / 36,000,000,000,000 = 1 hr 48 minutes
  • It takes 1 hr and 48 minutes to find the password.


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