In: Computer Science
Write fairly complete pseudocode for the Fish Wars card game. Fish Wars is a card game where two players get 13 cards each. The cards have face values of 1-10 plus one shark card and two peace cards.
The game is played in 13 rounds. Each round, the players each play one card face down and then flip them up at the same time. The player with the higher number (plus any battle bonus) wins. No one wins on a tie. A round winner gets one point added to their score plus one battle bonus point. Play continues until all thirteen rounds are complete and the highest final score wins.
Play exception. If you play a shark card then you always win unless the opponent plays a peace card then it is a tie and no one wins. If you play a point card or a shark card against a peace card then it is a draw plus the player who did not play the peace card has their battle bonus reduced to zero. If two peace cards are played then it is just a tie.
Your job is to write a program that simulates the Fish Wars game between a human player and an AI opponent. To start, the AI opponent can just randomly select a card. Have the program do all scoring and keep track of the battle bonus. Also make it so that the player can play the game again at the end if they want to do so.
Example of Play:
Round 1: 5 vs. 6 - Player 2 wins! Score 0 : 1
(BB: 1)
Round 2: 3 vs. 2 (+1 BB) - Draw!
Score 0 : 1 (BB: 1)
Round 3: Shark vs. 7 (+1 BB) - Player 1 wins! Score 1 (BB: 1) - 1
(BB: 1)
Round 4: Peace (+1 BB) vs 5 (+1 BB) - Draw- Player 2 BB reduced to
0; Score 1(BB: 1) - 1 (BB: 0)
Round 5: 2 (+1 BB) vs. Shark - Player 2 wins! Score 1(BB: 1) - 2
(BB: 1)
For this program, do not use classes and objects plus use standard C++ code and the entire code must be in one file with at most three functions.
#include <time.h> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <iostream> const std::string s = "CDHS", v = "A23456789TJQK"; const int handCards = 9, drawCards = 3; class card { public: friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const card& c ) { os << v[c.val] << s[c.suit]; return os; } bool isValid() { return val > -1; } void set( char s, char v ) { suit = s; val = v; } char getRank() { return v[val]; } bool operator == ( const char o ) { return v[val] == o; } bool operator < ( const card& a ) { if( val == a.val ) return suit < a.suit; return val < a.val; } private: char suit, val; }; class deck { public: static deck* instance() { if( !inst ) inst = new deck(); return inst; } void destroy() { delete inst; inst = 0; } card draw() { card c; if( cards.size() > 0 ) { c = cards.back(); cards.pop_back(); return c; } c.set( -1, -1 ); return c; } private: deck() { newDeck(); } void newDeck() { card c; for( char s = 0; s < 4; s++ ) { for( char v = 0; v < 13; v++ ) { c.set( s, v ); cards.push_back( c ); } } random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() ); random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() ); } static deck* inst; std::vector<card> cards; }; class player { public: player( std::string n ) : nm( n ) { for( int x = 0; x < handCards; x++ ) hand.push_back( deck::instance()->draw() ); sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() ); } void outputHand() { for( std::vector<card>::iterator x = hand.begin(); x != hand.end(); x++ ) std::cout << ( *x ) << " "; std::cout << "\n"; } bool addCard( card c ) { hand.push_back( c ); return checkForBook(); } std::string name() { return nm; } bool holds( char c ) { return( hand.end() != find( hand.begin(), hand.end(), c ) ); } card takeCard( char c ) { std::vector<card>::iterator it = find( hand.begin(), hand.end(), c ); std::swap( ( *it ), hand.back() ); card d = hand.back(); hand.pop_back(); hasCards(); sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() ); return d; } size_t getBooksCount() { return books.size(); } void listBooks() { for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = books.begin(); it != books.end(); it++ ) std::cout << ( *it ) << "'s "; std::cout << "\n"; } bool checkForBook() { bool ret = false; std::map<char, int> countMap; for( std::vector<card>::iterator it = hand.begin(); it != hand.end(); it++ ) countMap[( *it ).getRank()]++; for( std::map<char, int>::iterator it = countMap.begin(); it != countMap.end(); it++ ) { if( ( *it ).second == 4 ) { do { takeCard( ( *it ).first ); } while( holds( ( *it ).first ) ); books.push_back( ( *it ).first ); ( *it ).second = 0; ret = true; } } sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() ); return ret; } bool hasCards() { if( hand.size() < 1 ) { card c; for( int x = 0; x < drawCards; x++ ) { c = deck::instance()->draw(); if( c.isValid() ) addCard( c ); else break; } } return( hand.size() > 0 ); } protected: std::string nm; std::vector<card> hand; std::vector<char> books; }; class aiPlayer : public player { public: aiPlayer( std::string n ) : player( n ), askedIdx( -1 ), lastAsked( 0 ), nextToAsk( -1 ) { } void rememberCard( char c ) { if( asked.end() != find( asked.begin(), asked.end(), c ) || !asked.size() ) asked.push_back( c ); } char makeMove() { if( askedIdx < 0 || askedIdx >= static_cast<int>( hand.size() ) ) { askedIdx = rand() % static_cast<int>( hand.size() ); } char c; if( nextToAsk > -1 ) { c = nextToAsk; nextToAsk = -1; } else { while( hand[askedIdx].getRank() == lastAsked ) { if( ++askedIdx == hand.size() ) { askedIdx = 0; break; } } c = hand[askedIdx].getRank(); if( rand() % 100 > 25 && asked.size() ) { for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = asked.begin(); it != asked.end(); it++ ) { if( holds( *it ) ) { c = ( *it ); break; } } } } lastAsked = c; return c; } void clearMemory( char c ) { std::vector<char>::iterator it = find( asked.begin(), asked.end(), c ); if( asked.end() != it ) { std::swap( ( *it ), asked.back() ); asked.pop_back(); } } bool addCard( card c ) { if( !holds( c.getRank() ) ) nextToAsk = c.getRank(); return player::addCard( c ); } private: std::vector<char> asked; char nextToAsk, lastAsked; int askedIdx; }; class goFish { public: goFish() { plr = true; std::string n; std::cout << "Hi there, enter your name: "; std::cin >> n; p1 = new player( n ); p2 = new aiPlayer( "JJ" ); } ~goFish() { if( p1 ) delete p1; if( p2 ) delete p2; deck::instance()->destroy(); } void play() { while( true ) { if( process( getInput() ) ) break; } std::cout << "\n\n"; showBooks(); if( p1->getBooksCount() > p2->getBooksCount() ) { std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! CONGRATULATIONS !!! ***\n\n\n"; } else { std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! YOU LOSE - HA HA HA !!! ***\n\n\n"; } } private: void showBooks() { if( p1->getBooksCount() > 0 ) { std::cout << "\nYour Book(s): "; p1->listBooks(); } if( p2->getBooksCount() > 0 ) { std::cout << "\nMy Book(s): "; p2->listBooks(); } } void showPlayerCards() { std::cout << "\n\n" << p1->name() << ", these are your cards:\n"; p1->outputHand(); showBooks(); } char getInput() { char c; if( plr ) { if( !p1->hasCards() ) return -1; showPlayerCards(); std::string w; while( true ) { std::cout << "\nWhat card(rank) do you want? "; std::cin >> w; c = toupper( w[0] ); if( p1->holds( c ) ) break; std::cout << p1->name() << ", you can't ask for a card you don't have!\n\n"; } } else { if( !p2->hasCards() ) return -1; c = p2->makeMove(); showPlayerCards(); std::string r; std::cout << "\nDo you have any " << c << "'s? (Y)es / (G)o Fish "; do { std::getline( std::cin, r ); r = toupper( r[0] ); } while( r[0] != 'Y' && r[0] != 'G' ); bool hasIt = p1->holds( c ); if( hasIt && r[0] == 'G' ) std::cout << "Are you trying to cheat me?! I know you do...\n"; if( !hasIt && r[0] == 'Y' ) std::cout << "Nooooo, you don't have it!!!\n"; } return c; } bool process( char c ) { if( c < 0 ) return true; if( plr ) p2->rememberCard( c ); player *a, *b; a = plr ? p2 : p1; b = plr ? p1 : p2; bool r; if( a->holds( c ) ) { while( a->holds( c ) ) { r = b->addCard( a->takeCard( c ) ); } if( plr && r )p2->clearMemory( c ); } else { fish(); plr = !plr; } return false; } void fish() { std::cout << "\n\n\t *** GO FISH! ***\n\n"; card c = deck::instance()->draw(); if( plr ) { std::cout << "Your new card: " << c << ".\n\n******** Your turn is over! ********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n"; if( p1->addCard( c ) ) p2->clearMemory( c.getRank() ); } else { std::cout << "\n********* My turn is over! *********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n"; p2->addCard( c ); } } player *p1; aiPlayer *p2; bool plr; }; deck* deck::inst = 0; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time( NULL ) ) ); goFish f;; return 0; }