
In: Computer Science

Download the data type class named as MathOperation:(given below) Create the project of part 2 then...

Download the data type class named as MathOperation:(given below)
Create the project of part 2 then add class as a data type class and class MathCalculator_yourLastName as a driver class with main() of part 2
a. Draw UML of class MathOperation (See the topic about UML at TIP FOR LAB on eCampus)
b. Create the pseudo-code or draw flowchart of the main of a driver class based on the
requirement listed below (see the topic about pseudo-code or flowchart at TIP FOR LAB on
c. Copy the content of the class MathOperation downloaded from eCampus to the data type class
you have added to the part 2
Requirement: Provide the application that first displays the following line and menu: File name: MathCalculator_Smith
1. Add two integers
2. Subtract two integers
3. Multiply two integers
4. Divide two integers
5. Add two decimal numbers
6. Subtract two decimal numbers
7. Multiply two decimal numbers
8. Divide two decimal numbers
0. Exit
Enter a number from 0 to 8 to continue:
Based on the number that users enter to continue ask for input:
-If users enter 1 to 4: ask for two integer numbers -if users enter 5 to 8: ask for two decimal numbers
Then pass two numbers read from input to the object of class MathOperation
Use the object to display the result. The result in one of the following.
After getting the result, the program should re-display the menu to allow users to continue using the
application to select other tasks.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class MathOperation
int intNum1;
int intNum2;
float fNum1;
float fNum2;
int op;
public MathOperation()
intNum1 = 0;
intNum2 = 0;
fNum1 = 0;
fNum2 = 0;
op = 0;
public MathOperation(int n1, int n2, int n)
intNum1 = n1;
intNum2 = n2;
fNum1 = 0;
fNum2 = 0;
op = n;
public MathOperation(float d1, float d2, int n)
fNum1 = d1;
fNum2 = d2;
intNum1 = 0;
intNum2 = 0;
op = n;
public String toString()
String str2 = "", str3 = "";
int iRet= 0;
float fRet = 0.0f;
switch (op)
case 1: // add 2 int
iRet = intNum1 + intNum2;
str3 = intNum1 + " + " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
case 2: // minus 2 int
iRet = intNum1 - intNum2;
str3 = intNum1 + " - " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
case 3: // multiply 2 int
iRet = intNum1 * intNum2;
str3 = intNum1 + " * " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
case 4: // divide 2 int
iRet = intNum1 /intNum2;
str3 = intNum1 + " / " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
case 5: // add 2 float
fRet = fNum1 + fNum2;
str3 = fNum1 + " + " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
case 6: // minus 2 floaf
fRet = fNum1 - fNum2;
str3 = fNum1 + " - " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
case 7: // multiply float
fRet = fNum1 * fNum2;
str3 = fNum1 + " * " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
case 8: // divide float
fRet = fNum1 / fNum2;
str3 = fNum1 + " / " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
return str + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3 + "\n";


Expert Solution

//Java code

public class MathOperation
    int intNum1;
    int intNum2;
    float fNum1;
    float fNum2;
    int op;
    public MathOperation()
        intNum1 = 0;
        intNum2 = 0;
        fNum1 = 0;
        fNum2 = 0;
        op = 0;
    public MathOperation(int n1, int n2, int n)
        intNum1 = n1;
        intNum2 = n2;
        fNum1 = 0;
        fNum2 = 0;
        op = n;
    public MathOperation(float d1, float d2, int n)
        fNum1 = d1;
        fNum2 = d2;
        intNum1 = 0;
        intNum2 = 0;
        op = n;
    public String toString()
        String str = "CALCULATOR OF LIEM LE";
        String str2 = "", str3 = "";
        int iRet= 0;
        float fRet = 0.0f;
        switch (op)
            case 1: // add 2 int
                str2 = "ADD TWO INTEGERS";
                iRet = intNum1 + intNum2;
                str3 = intNum1 + " + " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
            case 2: // minus 2 int
                str2 = "MINUS TWO INTEGERS";
                iRet = intNum1 - intNum2;
                str3 = intNum1 + " - " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
            case 3: // multiply 2 int
                str2 = "MULTIPLY TWO INTEGERS";
                iRet = intNum1 * intNum2;
                str3 = intNum1 + " * " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
            case 4: // divide 2 int
                str2 = "DIVIDE TWO INTEGERS";
                iRet = intNum1 /intNum2;
                str3 = intNum1 + " / " + intNum2 + " = " + iRet;
            case 5: // add 2 float
                str2 = "ADD TWO DECIMAL NUMBERS";
                fRet = fNum1 + fNum2;
                str3 = fNum1 + " + " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
            case 6: // minus 2 floaf
                str2 = "MINUS TWO DECIMAL NUMBERS";
                fRet = fNum1 - fNum2;
                str3 = fNum1 + " - " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
            case 7: // multiply float
                str2 = "MULTIPLY TWO DECIMAL NUMBERS";
                fRet = fNum1 * fNum2;
                str3 = fNum1 + " * " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
            case 8: // divide float
                str2 = "DIVIDE TWO DECIMAL NUMBERS";
                fRet = fNum1 / fNum2;
                str3 = fNum1 + " / " + fNum2 + " = " + fRet;
        return str + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3 + "\n";


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int choice=-1;

        while (true)
            choice = input.nextInt();
            switch (choice)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 7:
                case 8:
                case 0:
                        System.err.println("Wrong Choice... try again..");

     * Calculate the result and display
     * @param choice
    public static void calculate(int choice)
        int num1,num2;
        float numf1,numf2;
        //Object of MAthOperation
        MathOperation mathOperation= null;
        //ask for int for choice 1-4
        if(choice>=1 && choice<5)
            System.out.println("Enter first number: ");
            num1 = input.nextInt();
            System.out.println("Enter second number: ");
            num2 = input.nextInt();
            mathOperation = new MathOperation(num1,num2,choice);
        //ask for float numbers from 5-8
            numf1 = input.nextFloat();
            System.out.println("Enter second number: ");
            numf2 = input.nextFloat();
            mathOperation = new MathOperation(numf1,numf2,choice);
    //Finction to display menu
    public static void displayMenu()
        System.out.println("1. Add two integers\n" +
                "2. Subtract two integers\n" +
                "3. Multiply two integers\n" +
                "4. Divide two integers\n" +
                "5. Add two decimal numbers\n" +
                "6. Subtract two decimal numbers\n" +
                "7. Multiply two decimal numbers\n" +
                "8. Divide two decimal numbers\n" +
                "0. Exit\nEnter choice: ");

//UML Class Diagram

+ sign represents public

- sign represents private

underline method represents static


(1) Start the Main class and write main() method

(2) Create a static method displayMenu() which returns void and takes 0 arguments and print the menu

(3) Create a static method calculate(), which returns void and takes one argument of int type.

(4) in calculate(int choice),

(1) create an object of MathOperation() class and initialize it to null and write if-else statement

(2) if( choice >=1 && choice<5) then prompt for int numbers and call the constructor and pass two int numbers and choice

(3) else prompt for float numbers and call the constructor and pass two float numbers and choice

(5) create a infinite while loop in main()


call the displayMenu()

and get the choice from user


//create cases according to the menu followed by break statement


break the loop and exit program.

(6) End of main()


// If you need any help regarding this solution .......... please leave a comment ..... thanks

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