
In: Computer Science

Create a new Java project called lab1 and a class named Lab1 Create a second class...

  1. Create a new Java project called lab1 and a class named Lab1
  1. Create a second class called VolumeCalculator.

  1. Add a static field named PI which = 1415

  1. Add the following static methods:

  1. double static method named sphere that receives 1 double parameter (radius) and returns the volume of a sphere.

  1. double static method named cylinder that receives 2 double parameters (radius & height) and returns the volume of a cylinder.

  1. double static method named cube that receives 1 double parameter (side) and returns the volume of a cube.

  1. double static method named box that receives 3 double parameters (length, width & height) and returns the volume of the box

  1. Back in Lab1 in the main method,
    1. Declare variables for each of the values used as parameters for the above methods, and then give them values.

  1. Call each of the static methods in VolumeCalculator sending the appropriate variable in as a parameter.
    Print the value of the variable(s) sent and the result, with labels. (Also, tell me which shape this volume is for.)


Expert Solution

import java.util.*;

public class volumeCalculator
  static double pi = (22.0)/(7.0)
  public static double sphere(double radius)
    double vs = (4.0/3.0)*pi*radius*radius*radius;
    return vs;
  public static double cylinder(double radius, double height)
    double  vc = pi*radius*radius*height;
    return vc;
  public static double cube(double side)
    double vc = side*side*side;
    return vc;
  public static double box(double length, double breadth, double height)
    double vb = length*breadth*height;
    return vb;
  public static void main(String args[])
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    double radius = sc.nextDouble();
    volSphere = sphere(radius);
    double height = sc.nextDouble();
    volCylinder = cylinder(radius, height);
    double side = sc.nextDouble();
    volSide = cube(side);
    double length = sc.nextDouble();
    double breadth = sc.nextDouble();
    double height = sc.nextDouble();
    volBox = box(length, breadth, height);

Please find the solution code above, and comment if found any issue, it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you.

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