
In: Computer Science

//Question1: What is the name of the following lines in the data type class? private int...

//Question1: What is the name of the following lines in the data type class? private int intVariable;
private float floatVariable;
private String stringVariable;

//Question2: What is the name of the following lines in the data type class? public DataTypeClass_Smith()
intVariable = 0; floatVariable = 0.0; stringVariable = “aString”;

//Question3: What is the name of the following lines in the data type class? public DataTypeClass_Smith( int intVar, float floatVar, String stringVar)
intVariable = intVar; floatVariable = floatVar; stringVariable = stringVar;

//Question4: What is the name of the following method in the data type class? public void setIntVariable(int intVar)
intVariable = intVar; }

//Question5: What is the name of the following method in the data type class? public float getFloatVariable(0
return floatVariable;

//Question6: What is the purpose of the following method in the data type class? public String toString()
String str = “My name: James Smith\n” + “The output is: \n” +
“Integer number: “ + intVariable + “\n” + “Decimal number: “ + floatVariable + “\n” + “String is: “ + stringVariable + “\n”;
return str;


Expert Solution

Question1 answer:

intVariable,floatVariable,stringVariables are instance variables of class DataTypeClass_Smith.

They hold the respective data(integer,float,string)for the class DataTypeClass_Smith.

Question 2 answer:

public DataTypeClass_Smith()


intVariable = 0; floatVariable = 0.0; stringVariable = “aString”;


DataTypeClass_Smith() is the default constructor of the class DataTypeClass_Smith and it initialise the instance variables with default values. When the object of type DataTypeClass_Smith is created with no parameters,then default constructor will be excuted and all the instance variables will be initialised with respective default values.

Question 3 answer:

public DataTypeClass_Smith( int intVar, float floatVar, String stringVar)


intVariable = intVar; floatVariable = floatVar; stringVariable = stringVar;


It is the parametrised constructor of the class DataTypeClass_Smith and it will initialise  all the instance variables with values present in the constructor.

Ex: DataTypeClass_Smith obj = new DataTypeClass_Smith(1,2.5,”John”);

parametrised constructor is called and values will be set to respective instance variables.

Question 4 answer:

It is a setter method for intVariable and it will set the value to the instance variable intVariable.

Ex: obj.setIntVariable(45);

Question 5 answer:

It is a getter method for floatVariable and it will return value of floatVariable when it is called.

Question 6 answer:

This is a toString() method for the class DataTypeClass_Smith.

It will print or return string format or readable format of the object which had all the instance variables with values

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