
In: Computer Science

java create a class for triangle and also driver(area and perimeter) also write its getters and...


create a class for triangle and also driver(area and perimeter)

also write its getters and setters

for the right triangle


Expert Solution

// : Java class to represent a right angled triangle
public class RightTriangle {
   // variables to store the base and height of the triangle
   private double base;
   private double height;
   // default constructor to set base and height to 0
   public RightTriangle()
   // parameterized constructor to set the base and height of the triangle to the passed arguments
   public RightTriangle(double base, double height)
       this.base = base;
       this.height = height;
   // setters
   // method to set the height of the triangle
   public void setHeight(double height)
       this.height = height;
   // method to set the base of the triangle
   public void setBase(double base)
       this.base = base;
   // getters
   // method to return the height of the triangle
   public double getHeight()
       return height;
   // method to return the base of the triangle
   public double getBase()
       return base;
   // method to compute and return the area of the triangle
   public double area()
       return (base*height)/2;
   // method to compute and return the perimeter of the triangle
   public double perimeter()
       return(base+height+Math.sqrt(Math.pow(base, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)));
//end of

// : Driver program to test the RightTriangle class

public class RightTriangleDriver {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // test the RightTriangle class
       // create an object of RightTriangle class
       RightTriangle t1 = new RightTriangle(3,4);
       // display its bae, height , area and perimeter
       System.out.println("Base : "+t1.getBase());
       System.out.println("Height : "+t1.getHeight());
       System.out.println("Area : "+t1.area());
       System.out.println("Perimeter : "+t1.perimeter());

//end of


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