
In: Accounting

On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...

On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.

Aug. 1 Great Adventures obtains a $30,000 low-interest loan for the company from the city council, which has recently passed an initiative encouraging business development related to outdoor activities. The loan is due in three years, and 6% annual interest is due each year on July 31.
Aug. 4 The company purchases 14 kayaks, paying $28,000 cash.
Aug. 10 Twenty additional kayakers pay $3,000 ($150 each), in addition to the $4,000 that was paid in advance on July 30, on the day of the clinic. Tony conducts the first kayak clinic.
Aug. 17 Tony conducts a second kayak clinic, and the company receives $10,500 cash.
Aug. 24 Office supplies of $1,800 purchased on July 4 are paid in full.
Sep. 1 To provide better storage of mountain bikes and kayaks when not in use, the company rents a storage shed, purchasing a one-year rental policy for $2,400 ($200 per month).
Sep. 21 Tony conducts a rock-climbing clinic. The company receives $13,200 cash.
Oct. 17 Tony conducts an orienteering clinic. Participants practice how to understand a topographical map, read an altimeter, use a compass, and orient through heavily wooded areas. The company receives $17,900 cash.
Dec. 1 Tony decides to hold the company’s first adventure race on December 15. Four-person teams will race from checkpoint to checkpoint using a combination of mountain biking, kayaking, orienteering, trail running, and rock-climbing skills. The first team in each category to complete all checkpoints in order wins. The entry fee for each team is $500.
Dec. 5 To help organize and promote the race, Tony hires his college roommate, Victor. Victor will be paid $50 in salary for each team that competes in the race. His salary will be paid after the race.
Dec. 8 The company pays $1,200 to purchase a permit from a state park where the race will be held. The amount is recorded as a miscellaneous expense.
Dec. 12 The company purchases racing supplies for $2,800 on account due in 30 days. Supplies include trophies for the top-finishing teams in each category, promotional shirts, snack foods and drinks for participants, and field markers to prepare the racecourse.
Dec. 15 The company receives $20,000 cash from a total of forty teams, and the race is held.
Dec. 16 The company pays Victor’s salary of $2,000.
Dec. 31 The company pays a dividend of $4,000 ($2,000 to Tony and $2,000 to Suzie).
Dec. 31 Using his personal money, Tony purchases a diamond ring for $4,500. Tony surprises Suzie by proposing that they get married. Suzie accepts and they get married!
The following information relates to year-end adjusting entries as of December 31, 2018.
a. Depreciation of the mountain bikes purchased on July 8 and kayaks purchased on August 4 totals $8,000.
b. Six months’ worth of insurance has expired.
c. Four months’ worth of rent has expired.
d. Of the $1,800 of office supplies purchased on July 4, $300 remains.
e. Interest expense on the $30,000 loan obtained from the city council on August 1 should be recorded.
f. Of the $2,800 of racing supplies purchased on December 12, $200 remains.
g. Suzie calculates that the company owes $14,000 in income taxes.
Assume the following ending balances for the month of July.

  Cash $ 9,000    
  Prepaid insurance 4,800    
  Supplies (Office) 1,800    
  Equipment (Bikes) 12,000    
  Accounts payable 1,800    
  Deferred revenue 4,000    
  Common stock 20,000    
  Service revenue (Clinic) 4,300    
  Advertising expense 1,000    
  Legal fees expense 1,500    

#1) Record transactions from July 1 through December 31. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.)

2)  Record adjusting entries as of December 31, 2018. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.)

3)  Post transactions from August 1 through December 31 and adjusting entries on December 31 to T-accounts. (Be sure to include beginning balances in the T-accounts.)

4)  Prepare an adjusted trial balance as of December 31, 2018. (The items in the Trial Balance should be grouped as follows: Assets, Contra-asset accounts, Liabilities, Equity, Dividends, Revenues, and Expenses.)

5 -a)  For the period July 1 to December 31, 2018, prepare an income statement.

5-b) For the period July 1 to December 31, 2018, prepare a statement of stockholders’ equity. All account balances on July 1 were zero.

5-c) Prepare a classified balance sheet as of December 31, 2018. (Amounts to be deducted should be indicated by a minus sign.)

6)Record closing entries as of December 31, 2018. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.)

7) Post the closing entries of retained earnings to the T-account.

8) Prepare a post-closing trial balance as of December 31, 2018.


Expert Solution

Answer 1.
Journal Entry
Date Particulars Dr. Amt. Cr. Amt.
Aug-01 Cash                                                      30,000
Loan - Liability          31,000
Aug-04 Equipments Kayaks                        28,000
Cash          12,000
Aug-10 Cash                                                         3,000
Deferred Revenue                        40,000
   Service Revenue (Clinic)          43,000
Aug-17 Cash                                                       10,500
Service Revenue (Clinic)          10,500
Aug-24 Accounts Payable                              1,800
   Cash            1,600
Sep-01 Prepaid Rent                                         2,400
Cash            2,400
21-Sep Cash                                                          13,200
Service Revenue - Clinic          13,200
Oct-17 Cash                                                 Dr.          17,900
To service Revenue - Clinic          17,900
Dec-01 No Entry
Dec-05 No Entry
Dec-08 Misc Exp.                                                   1,200
    Cash            1,200
Dec-12 Supplies (Racing)                                  2,800
Accounts Payable            2,800
Dec-15 Cash                                                          20,000
   Service Revenue (Racing)          20,000
Dec-16 Salary                                                          2,000
   Cash            2,000
Dec-31 Dividend                                                   4,000
   Cash            4,000
Dec-31 No Entry - Personal Expenditure
Not related to Buisness
Answer 2.
Journal Entry
Adjusting Entry
Date Particulars Dr. Amt. Cr. Amt.
a Dep. Exp.                                                8,000
   Accumulated Dep - Equip.            8,000
b Insurance Exp.                                     2,400
   Prepaid Insurance            2,400
c Rent Exp.                                                    800
   Prepaid Rent                800
d Supplies Exp.                                       1,500
Supplies (Office)            1,500
e Interest Exp.                                             750
   Interest Payable                750
f Supplies Exp.                              Dr.            2,600
To Supplies (Racing)            2,600
g Income Tax Expense                Dr.          14,000
   To Income Tax Payable          14,000
Answer 3.
Cash Prepaid Insurance
Beg. Bal        9,000.00    28,000.00 Aug-04 Beg. Bal      4,800.00      2,400.00 b
Aug-01      30,000.00      1,800.00 Aug-24
Aug-10        3,000.00      2,400.00 Sep-01
Aug-17      10,500.00      1,200.00 Dec-08
21-Sep            13,200      2,000.00 Dec-16
Oct-17      17,900.00      4,000.00 Dec-31
Dec-15      20,000.00
End. Bal      64,200.00 End. Bal      2,400.00
Supplies (office) Equipment (Bikes)
Beg. Bal        1,800.00      1,500.00 d Beg. Bal    12,000.00
End. Bal            300.00 End. Bal    12,000.00
Accounts Payable Deferred revenue
Beg. Bal      1,800.00 Beg. Bal      4,000.00
Aug-24        1,800.00      2,800.00 Dec-12 Aug-10      4,000.00
End. Bal      2,800.00 End. Bal                   -  
Common Stock Service Revenue (Clinic)
Beg. Bal    20,000.00 Beg. Bal      4,300.00
     3,000.00 Aug-10
     4,000.00 Aug-10
   10,500.00 Aug-17
         13,200 Sep-18
   17,900.00 Oct-17
End. Bal    20,000.00 End. Bal    52,900.00
Advertising Exp. Legal fees Exp.
Beg. Bal        1,000.00 Beg. Bal      1,500.00
End. Bal        1,000.00 End. Bal      1,500.00
Loan Liability Equipment - Kayaks
Beg. Bal                   -   Beg. Bal                   -  
   30,000.00 Aug-01 Aug-04    28,000.00
End. Bal    30,000.00 End. Bal    28,000.00
Prepaid rent Misc Exp.
Beg. Bal                     -            800.00 c Beg. Bal                   -  
Sep-01        2,400.00 Dec-08      1,200.00
End. Bal.        1,600.00 End. Bal.      1,200.00
Supplies (Racing) Service Revenue (Racing)
Beg. Bal                     -        2,600.00 f Beg. Bal                   -  
Dec-12        2,800.00    20,000.00 Dec-15
End. Bal.            200.00 End. Bal.    20,000.00
Salaries Exp. Dividends
Beg. Bal                     -   Beg. Bal                   -  
Dec-16        2,000.00 Dec-31      4,000.00
End. Bal.        2,000.00 End. Bal.      4,000.00
Dep. Exp. Accumulated Dep. - Equipments
Beg. Bal                     -   Beg. Bal                   -  
a        8,000.00      8,000.00 a
End. Bal.        8,000.00 End. Bal.      8,000.00
Insurance Exp. Rent Exp.
Beg. Bal                     -   Beg. Bal                   -  
b        2,400.00 c          800.00
End. Bal.        2,400.00 End. Bal.          800.00
Supplies Exp. Interest Exp.
Beg. Bal                     -   Beg. Bal                   -  
d        1,500.00 e          750.00
f        2,600.00
End. Bal.        4,100.00 End. Bal.          750.00
Interest Payable Income Tax Exp.
Beg. Bal                   -   Beg. Bal                   -  
         750.00 e g    14,000.00
End. Bal.          750.00 End. Bal.    14,000.00
Income Tax Payable
Beg. Bal                   -  
   14,000.00 g
End. Bal.    14,000.00
Answer 4.
Trial Balance
As of Dec 31
Cash      64,200.00
Prepaid Insurance        2,400.00
Supplies (office)            300.00
Equipment (Bikes)      12,000.00
Equipment - Kayaks      28,000.00
Prepaid rent        1,600.00
Supplies (Racing)            200.00
Accumulated Dep. - Equipments        8,000.00
Accounts Payable        2,800.00
Loan Liability      30,000.00
Interest Payable            750.00
Income Tax Payable      14,000.00
Common Stock      20,000.00
Dividends        4,000.00
Service Revenue (Clinic)      52,900.00
Service Revenue (Racing)      20,000.00
Advertising Exp.        1,000.00
Legal fees Exp.        1,500.00
Misc Exp.        1,200.00
Salaries Exp.        2,000.00
Dep. Exp.        8,000.00
Insurance Exp.        2,400.00
Rent Exp.            800.00
Supplies Exp.        4,100.00
Interest Exp.            750.00
Income Tax Exp.      14,000.00
Total    148,450.00    148,450.00

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On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.    The articles of incorporation state that the corporation will sell 28,000 shares of common stock for $1 each. Each share of stock represents a unit of ownership. Tony and Suzie will act as co-presidents of the company. The following business activities...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.      Aug. 1 Great Adventures obtains a $30,000 low-interest loan for the company from the city council, which has recently passed an initiative encouraging business development related to outdoor activities. The loan is due in three years, and 6% annual interest is...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.    The articles of incorporation state that the corporation will sell 21,000 shares of common stock for $1 each. Each share of stock represents a unit of ownership. Tony and Suzie will act as co-presidents of the company. The following business activities...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31. The articles of incorporation state that the corporation will sell 27,000 shares of common stock for $1 each. Each share of stock represents a unit of ownership. Tony and Suzie will act as co-presidents of the company. The following business activities occur...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31. Aug. 1 Great Adventures obtains a $30,000 low-interest loan for the company from the city council, which has recently passed an initiative encouraging business development related to outdoor activities. The loan is due in three years, and 6% annual interest is due...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.    The articles of incorporation state that the corporation will sell 28,000 shares of common stock for $1 each. Each share of stock represents a unit of ownership. Tony and Suzie will act as co-presidents of the company. The following business activities...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.    The articles of incorporation state that the corporation will sell 28,000 shares of common stock for $1 each. Each share of stock represents a unit of ownership. Tony and Suzie will act as co-presidents of the company. The following business activities...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.      Aug. 1 Great Adventures obtains a $30,000 low-interest loan for the company from the city council, which has recently passed an initiative encouraging business development related to outdoor activities. The loan is due in three years, and 6% annual interest is...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.      Aug. 1 Great Adventures obtains a $30,000 low-interest loan for the company from the city council, which has recently passed an initiative encouraging business development related to outdoor activities. The loan is due in three years, and 6% annual interest is...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures...
On July 1, 2018, Tony and Suzie organize their new company as a corporation, Great Adventures Inc. The following transactions occur from August 1 through December 31. Also, the balances are provided for the month ended July 31.    The articles of incorporation state that the corporation will sell 32,000 shares of common stock for $1 each. Each share of stock represents a unit of ownership. Tony and Suzie will act as co-presidents of the company. The following business activities...