
In: Computer Science

c++ please 1. Write and test the function maximum that is passed an array of n...

c++ please

1. Write and test the function maximum that is passed an array of n pointers to integers and returns the maximum value among the n integers. The function must use the travellingpointer(1stversion) notation to traverse the array. The function has the following prototype.

int maximum ( int *p [ ], int n);

2. Implement the function psum( )that is passed an array of n floats and returns a pointer to the sum of such an array. Print the address of the returned sum and its value in the main program.

float *psum (float *p, int n);  // function prototype

void main ( ){

            float pfs[3] = {5.5,  10.5, 20.3};

            for (int j = 0; j <  3; j++)

                        cout << pfs[j] << endl;

            float* rp = psum (pfs, 3);

            cout << “The address of the sum: “ << rp << endl;

            cout << “The value of the sum: “<< (*rp) << endl;


float* psum (float* p , int n){  // A function that returns a pointer



Expert Solution


#include<iostream> // C++ Standard Header file

int maximum ( int *p[ ], int n); //Function Prototype

using namespace std;

int main()
   int arr[]={1,2,3,4,5};
   int *p = arr; //Pointer to array of n integers.
   int max,n=5;
   cout<<"Elements in the array: ";
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
   max=maximum(&p,n); //Function call, remember, int *p[] is converted into int **p at compile-time
   cout<<"\n\nmaximum value of integers is: "<<max;

   return 0;

int maximum ( int *p[ ], int n) //Function Definition

   int max = *p[0]; //Initialising max with first array element
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

       if(max < *p[i]) //Condition to find the maximum element
           max = *p[i];
   return max;



float *psum (float *p, int n); // function prototype

using namespace std;

int main ( )

float pfs[3] = {5.5, 10.5, 20.3};   //An array of float values

for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)   //Displaying the elements in the array
       cout << pfs[j] << endl;

float* rp = psum (pfs, 3);   //Function call

cout << "The address of the sum: " << rp << endl;

cout << "The value of the sum: "<< (*rp) << endl;
return 0;


float* psum (float* p , int n){ // Function Definition

   static float sum=0;       //A static variable to store sum, as sum will be used further in the program
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)   //Loop to calculate the sum of elements in the array
       sum += p[i];

   return &sum;   //Returning the address of sum

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