1. explain what the p waves, qrs complex, and t waves
2. explain the significance of abnormal p waves, qrs complex, qt
intervals, and st segment depressions.
3. why does blood pressure fluctuate in arteries between heart
Explain why a d5 high spin complex would be rare?
2. Would a d4 high spin square planar complex be reasonable?
3. Explain why a ligand capable of pi-donation would stabilize
a square planar complex
Provide an example of a research plan that would use an
dependent samples t-test. Include in your example the IV & DV
and what you will do with the data you are collecting (for example,
testing group 1 and group 2).
Why would blood pressure and heart rate increase under some
circumstances but not others? (use baroreceptors, sympathetic
system, and parasympathetic system)
Do you think heart rate responses would be different to the
different modes of exercise? Why? What is the
purpose/function of increasing heart during exercise? What factors
influence increase in heart rate during exercise among the
different modes?
How would Lindahl propose we tax to provide a public good?
Why would not Lindahl simply tax everyone the same amount?
Why is Lindahl's approach not possible?