In: Computer Science
Insert at least three rows of data to each table. Make sure you keep the primary key and foreign key constraints.
Cust Table:
cid, -- customer id
cname, --- customer name
cphone, --- customer phone
cemail, --- customer email
Category table:
ctid, --- category id
ctname, --- category name
parent, --- parent category id since category has a hierarchy structure, power washers, electric power washers, gas power washers. You can assume that there are only two levels.
tid, --- tool id
tname, --- tool name
ctid, --- category id, the bottom level.
quantity, --- number of this tools
Time_unit table allowed renting unit
tuid, --- time unit id
len, --- length of period, can be 1 hour, 1 day, etc.
min_len, --- minimal #of time unit, e.g., hourly rental but minimal 4 hours.
tid, --- tool id
tuid, --- time unit id
price, -- price per period
rid, --- rental id
cid, --- customer id
tid, --- tool id
tuid, --- time unit id
num_unit, --- number of time unit of rental, e.g., if num_unit = 5 and unit is hourly, it means 5 hours.
start_time, -- rental start time
end_time, --- suppose rental end_time
return_time, --- time to return the tool
credit_card, --- credit card number
total, --- total charge
Cust Table: Insert Querys
INSERT INTO Cust (cid,cname,cphone,cemail) VALUES ("C1001","John",1234567890,"[email protected]");
INSERT INTO Cust (cid,cname,cphone,cemail) VALUES ("C1002","Abraham",9876543210,"[email protected]");
INSERT INTO Cust (cid,cname,cphone,cemail) VALUES ("C1003","Joe",6543219870,"[email protected]");
Category Table :Insert Querys :
INSERT INTO Cust (ctid,ctname,parent) VALUES ("CT1001","Electronics","CT1002");
INSERT INTO Cust (ctid,ctname,parent) VALUES ("CT1002","Power Electronics","CT1001");
INSERT INTO Cust (ctid,ctname,parent) VALUES ("CT1003"," Gas Electronics","CT1001");
Tool Table:Insert Querys:
INSERT INTO TOOL (tid,tname,ctid,quantity) VALUES ("T1001","Desktop","CT1002",10);
INSERT INTO TOOL (tid,tname,ctid,quantity) VALUES ("T1002","laptop","CT1002",100);
INSERT INTO TOOL (tid,tname,ctid,quantity) VALUES ("T1003","Iron box","CT1001",40);
Time_unit:Insert Querys:
// Considering that length will be in hours
INSERT INTO Time_unit (tuid,len,min_len) VALUES ("TU1001",72,4);
INSERT INTO Time_unit (tuid,len,min_len) VALUES ("TU1002",48,6);
INSERT INTO Time_unit (tuid,len,min_len) VALUES ("TU1003",24,2);
Tool_Price:INSERT Querys:
INSERT INTO Tool_Price(tid,tuid,price) VALUES ("T1001","TU1001",100);
INSERT INTO Tool_Price(tid,tuid,price) VALUES ("T1002","TU1002",400);
INSERT INTO Tool_Price(tid,tuid,price) VALUES ("T1003","TU1003",900);
Rental :INSERT Querys:
INSERT INTO Rental(rid,cid,tid,tuid,num_unit,start_time,end_time,return_time,credit_card,total)
VALUES ("R1001","C1001","T1001","TU1001",4,"9-12-2019 15:32PM","10-12-2019 15:32PM","10-12-2019 12:32PM",1012365478,600);
INSERT INTO Rental(rid,cid,tid,tuid,num_unit,start_time,end_time,return_time,credit_card,total)
VALUES ("R1002","C1002","T1002","TU1002",3,"9-12-2019 12:32PM","10-12-2019 12:32PM","10-12-2019 10:32PM",2012365488,4800);
INSERT INTO Rental(rid,cid,tid,tuid,num_unit,start_time,end_time,return_time,credit_card,total)
VALUES ("R1003","C1003","T1003","TU1003",2,"9-12-2019 10:32PM","10-12-2019 10:32PM","10-12-2019 10:32PM",2012325896,1600);