
In: Psychology

Post an analysis of how your personal definition of leadership has changed or expanded since you...

Post an analysis of how your personal definition of leadership has changed or expanded since you began this course. Explain at least one significant idea or experience from this course that may be of value in preparing you for a future supervisory or administrative role.


Expert Solution

Earlier I use to think that a leader is a person who has superior power and who control his group members or his subordinates. But, after studying this course I came to know several things about leader and leadership patterns which is beneficial for me. Leadership is a quality where the leader takes his team or subordinates along with him to achieve the common objective. A great leader consider all his group members equal and never discriminate with anyone. He is always honest and motivate others to attain the common goal for the benefits of all.

Significant idea after going through with this course is that in order to be in supervisory role I should have all the qualities of leader which includes integrity, objectivity, innovation, command skills etc. I need to take experience and initially i have to work under some supervisor or administrative officer to learn from him about different qualities and skills. I must have potential to handle people under me and to get done the work by them with unity and positively.


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