In: Anatomy and Physiology
Yet, overall, this is still one of the smallest age groups to utilize technology, and the older they get the less likely they are to use it (Anderson & Perrin, 2017). It is important that our education address barriers such as lack of knowledge about technologies or available resources to learn about technology. How would you go about introducing technology like a PHR to this group? What might you need to explain before giving them access to the system?
PHR is an electronic application through which patients can maintain and manage their health information in a confidential and secure way. Personal Health Record, as it is called, is an effective way of managing health issues of an individual. It can be used to keep a record of important medical informations such as test results and treatment pattern, diet and exercise records and even a list of over the counter medications that the person might have used. It makes access to a patient's health information much easier and quicker.
However, it is not a very popular technology tool because people fear confidentiality and have privacy concerns and security issues regarding the leakage of their personal health data. Also, there is a lack of awareness among people about this tool. Then there are the issues of computer literacy and lack of internet access among a vast number of population in developing countries.
To make people more adaptable and to create credibility among people regarding PHR and its benefit, certain steps will need to be taken-
First of all people will have to be made aware of how PHP works and how it will help them in keeping their own personal health record which will enable them to give healthcare providers informations which will help improve the quality of care they recieve. Duplicate tests or medicines which cause reactions etc can be avoided without going into elimination process. This will save time and as all know, in healthcare time is an important factor in treatment and recovery.
Secondly, they will need to be assured that their health data is very secure and remain confidential. Unwanted people will not have any access to these data. Safety is one important issue that needs to be addressed for PHP to become more acceptable.
Third, after convincing people it will be necessary to train people about the way PHP works and how it is to be used. In the elderly, this might also require training them in the basics of computer knowledge so that they feel they can use the tool easily.
Next, people will have to be convinced about what they are missing out by not using this tool. They will need to be told how they are depriving themselves of quick and quality medical care by underutilizing patient portals and not availing the health access points which will give them the best treatment in the least of time and save them from a number of unnecessary harassment.
The above points will surely convince a person to start using PHP and manage their health concerns in a smart way.