
In: Economics

(4) The demand for transportation can be attributed to the shortage of housing in the centers...

(4) The demand for transportation can be attributed to the shortage of housing in the centers of the cities where people work. (a) What is the calculation made by a worker contemplating whether to buy a house in the outskirts, whether it is distant or not? (c) Looking at the growth statistics of supercomputers and housing prices in different US cities. Why is it not surprising that San Francisco experienced the strongest growth in supercomputers? (d) With respect to being a supercommuter or not, what are the costs that each worker usually does not weigh when they seek their own benefit? (e) How is the "tragedy of the commons" manifested in the field of private transportation?

The solution offered by the experts is to intensify the use of land in city centers. Explain how you intend to do it.


Expert Solution

Answer 4: A person can live near town and pay higher rents, or can live in the outskirts and pay less rent. He can also purchase his own vehicle or a company can provide transportation facility. A company is considered to be best if they are accountable and responsible for the facilities they are providing to their people. A good company do not disturb work life balance of an employee.

Part (a) If the place is at distant, a worker can purchase a house in the city and can pay EMIs for the house. This way he is saving rent as well as saving time and transportation.

If the Company is providing transportation facility, then a person can commute from anywhere.

If the rent is high in the city and the person is unable to purchase house, then he can buy a house in the outskirt and can use company's transportation facility.

Part (c) & (d) is out of context question, need more information, there is no connection between transportation and super computers. It is hazy and vague information

Part (e) The "tragedy of the commons" manifested in the field of private transportation are-

1. Health Issues

2. Extra contribution of time

3. Loss of opportunity cost (Suppose a person is travelling 2 hours daily, it means he/she missing out extra opportunity to earn)

4. Customizing oneself according to Weather Changes like Summer, Winter, Rainy Season.

5. Extra Energy pouring but getting less amount. Unable to optimize maximum earnings.

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