1A. Is pentane hydrophilic or hydrophobic?
1B. Is pentanol hydrophilic or hydrophobic?
1C. Explain how the chemical difference between pentane and
pentanol changes their relationship to water.
1. in what context do the terms hydrophobic and hydrophilic relate
to the soulubilites of substance in water?
2. in each of the following pairs of compounds which compound is
likely to be more souble in CC14?
(a) Br2 or NaBr
(b) CH3CH2OH or CH3OCH3
(c) Cs2 or KOH
(d) I2 or CaF2
3. which sulfur conpound would you predict to be more souble in
nonpolar solvents: SO2 or CS2?
4. methanol has a larger molar mass than water, but...
1) How would you differentiate hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions of a phospholipid bilayer?
Explain the importance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of a phospholipid bilayer.
2) What are some differences between the production of glucoses and gluconeogenesis, and why does gluconeogenesis require a higher amount of ATP?
Utilize examples and thoroughly explain the differences.
1) How does being hydrophobic or hydrophilic affect the
production and release, transport, and action or a hormone?
2) Is thyroxine hydrophilic or hydrophobic? How is that
related to whether or not Amy could take it orally instead of
why is proline more hydrophilic than all of the other
hydrophobic amino acids? ( need to consider the electronegativity
of nitrogen and carbon and then carefully look at proline's
structure in relation to other hydrophobic amino acids
Which phenomenon related to protein structure involves
nonpolar side chains of multiple amino acids?
A. Hydrophobic interactions
B. Hydrogen bonds
C. Covalent bonds
D. Disulfide bonds
E. Peptide bonds
Trypsin is an enzyme that can digest the hydrophilic portions of
membrane proteins, but it is unable to penetrate the lipid bilayer
and enter a cell. Due to these properties, trypsin has been used in
conjunction with SDS-PAGE to determine what proteins have an
extracellular domain. Describe an experiment using trypsin to
determine the sidedness of proteins of the erythrocyte membrane.
How do hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid residues
affect how a protein is folded? Include in your response these two
examples of proteins: membrane protein and cytosolic