In: Computer Science
C++ program:
Define a structure to hold the contact's information including: name, phone number, and a pointer to the next node on the list. Each node on the list will be a contact instead of a number (like the example in the book).
struct ContactNode { string name; string phoneNumber; ContactNode *next; }
You can find an implementation for those operations in the book and slides.
Your main program should instantiate an object of the Names List and ask the user to enter a list of names (first and last), which you will insert in alphabetical order by calling the appropriate method. When the user is done entering the names, call the displayList method to display the names, which should be in alphabetical order.
Turn in the list implementation in a header file and main.cpp
main.cpp file:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "contact.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
// welcome message
cout << "Welcome to Contact List Program!"
<< endl;
// create Contact list object
ContactList list;
// while loop to enter list of contacts
while (true) {
//ask user to enter new contact or
cout << "Enter new Contact in
list(enter -1 to exit)" << endl;
cout << "Enter Name (first
and last): ";
string name; //string to hold name
of contact
getline(cin, name); //get user
// check if user entered "-1"
if ("-1") == 0)
break; // break
the loop as user done entering contacts
else {
// ask user to
enter phone number
cout <<
"Enter Phone Number: ";
string number;
//string to hold phone number
number); //get user input
// insert
contact into the list
}//end of loop
// print list befor program exit
contact.h (header) file with implimentation:
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct ContactNode {
string name;
string phoneNumber;
ContactNode* next;
class ContactList {
ContactNode* head;
ContactList(); //constructor
~ContactList(); //destructor
void add(string name, string phoneNumber); //function
to add contact to list in sorted order
void print(); //print all contacts in list
ContactList::ContactList() {
// initialize private member
head = nullptr;
ContactList::~ContactList() {
// destructor to delete list
// loop through list and delete one node at a
while (head != nullptr) {
//create temparary node to delete
the node and free memory
ContactNode* temp = head; //assign
temp to head(current node)
head = head->next; //move head
to next node
delete temp; //delete current
void ContactList::add(string _name, string _phoneNumber) {
// function to add contact in the list in alphabetical
order by name
// create a new contactnode
ContactNode* node = new ContactNode();
node->name = _name; //initialize name
node->phoneNumber = _phoneNumber; //initialize
phone number
node->next = nullptr; //set next of node to
//check if head is nullptr
if (head == nullptr) {
// set new node to head
head = node;
else {
// loop through the list and insert
node at proper location in the list
// create iterator to loop the
ContactNode* i = head; //set
iterator to start of list
bool inserted = false; //create
flag to check that node is not inserted
while (i->next != nullptr)
// loop till end
of list
// check for
current node's name if greater then new node's name
(i->>name) > 0) { //this can only happen
when current node is first node(head)
// insert new node at start of the list
node->next = head;
head = node; //reset head to start of the
inserted = true; //set flag to true
break; //break the loop as node insertion is
else {
// check for next node's name
if (i->next->>name)
> 0) {
// if next node's name is
greater then new node's name then
// insert new node between
current node and next node
node->next = i->next;
//set new node's next to next node
i->next = node; //set
current node's next to new node
inserted = true; //set flag
to true
break; //break the while loop
as node is inserted in thee list
else {
// when next node's name is
less then new node's name, move forword in the list
i = i->next; //set
iterator to next node
// if node is not inseted till end
of the list
if (!inserted) {
// check for
current node's name if greater then new node's name
(i->>name) > 0) { //this can only happen
when current node is first node(head)
// insert new node at start of the list
node->next = head;
head = node; //reset head to start of the
else {
// insert the node at end of the list
i->next = node;
void ContactList::print() {
// function to print all contact in alphabetical order
from the list
// print line indicating print function
cout << "The Contact List is :" <<
// create iterator to loop the list
ContactNode* itr = head; //set iterator to start of
// loop till itr is nullptr
while (itr != nullptr) {
cout << "Name: " <<
itr->name << endl; //print name
cout << "Phone Number: "
<< itr->phoneNumber << endl; //print phone
cout << endl; //create empty
line to seprate contacts from each other
itr = itr->next; //move iterator
to next node