
In: Computer Science

(Javascript) Write a function that makes the following calculation: param1 + param2 - param3 + param4...

(Javascript) Write a function that makes the following calculation: param1 + param2 - param3 + param4 – param5…and keeps with this pattern. If any non-numerical character is encountered, ¼ of its value is computed as the numerical value. The result should truncate precision.


Expert Solution


function expression(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
if (param1 !== parseInt(param1)) param1 = param1.charCodeAt(0) / 4;
if (param2 !== parseInt(param2)) param2 = param2.charCodeAt(0) / 4;
if (param3 !== parseInt(param3)) param3 = param3.charCodeAt(0) / 4;
if (param4 !== parseInt(param4)) param4 = param4.charCodeAt(0) / 4;
if (param5 !== parseInt(param5)) param5 = param5.charCodeAt(0) / 4;
if (param6 !== parseInt(param6)) param6 = param6.charCodeAt(0) / 4;

return Math.floor(param1 + param2 - param3 + param4 - param5 + param6);

console.log(expression(11, 'a', 2, 30, 'z', 3));

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