
In: Computer Science

Create a class Sentence with an instance variable public Word[] words. Furthermore: The class should have...

Create a class Sentence with an instance variable public Word[] words.

Furthermore: The class should have a constructor Sentence(int size), where size determines the length of the sentence field of a given Sentence.

The class should have an instance method public boolean isValid() that determines the validity of a sentence according to the rules detailed below.

Also create a public nested class Word, with instance variables String value and Type type.

Within this class, you must create: A public enum type Type that contains NOUN, ADJECTIVE, and VERB. The constructor Word(String value, Type type).


1.A sentence must have a length of at least 1.

2. A NOUN must be followed by a VERB (unless it is at the end of a sentence).

3.An ADJECTIVE must be followed only by another ADJECTIVE or a NOUN.

4.A sentence must have one and only one VERB.

5. A sentence must end in a NOUN or in a VERB.


Expert Solution

public class Word {
   enum Type{

   String value;
   Type type;
   public Word(String value, Type type) {
       this.value = value;
       this.type = type;

   public String getValue() {
       return value;

   public void setValue(String value) {
       this.value = value;

   public Type getType() {
       return type;

   public void setType(Type type) {
       this.type = type;

public class Sentence {

   Word[] words;
   public Sentence(int size) {
       words = new Word[size];
   public Sentence(Word words[]) {
       this.words = words;
   public boolean isValid() {
       int size = words.length;
       // Checking for the First Condition of minumum size of one
       if(size>0) {
       //Checking the Fisth condition.... A sentence must end in a NOUN or in a VERB.
       if(words[size-1].type==Type.NOUN || words[size-1].type==Type.VERB) {
           int count = 0;
           for(int i=0; i<size;i++)
           // Checking the fourth condition of Sentence has exactly one Verb
           if(count==1) {
               int count1=0;
               for(int i=0; i<size;i++) {
                   if(words[i].type==Type.NOUN) {
               // Checking the Second condition of A NOUN must be followed by a VERB (unless it is at the end of a sentence).
               if(count1==0) {
                   int count2=0;
                   for(int i=0; i<size;i++) {
                       if(words[i].type==Type.ADJECTIVE) {
                                   return false;
                   if(count2==0) {
                       return true;
                   return false;
               return false;
           return false;
           return false;
       return false;

If you left with any doubts, feel free to ask.

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