
In: Statistics and Probability

Present the regression output below noting the coefficients, assessing the adequacy of the model and the...

Present the regression output below noting the coefficients, assessing the adequacy of the model and the p-value of the model and the coefficients individually.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.2967345
R Square 0.088051364
Adjusted R Square 0.08408637
Standard Error 11.78856107
Observations 694
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 9258.409674 3086.136558 22.2071867 9.78014E-14
Residual 690 95889.41876 138.9701721
Total 693 105147.8284
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 34.16092365 1.25201462 27.28476417 9.3282E-112 31.70270814 36.61913917 31.70270814 36.61913917
Gender -1.678153204 0.901104822 -1.862328514 0.062981635 -3.447389615 0.091083208 -3.447389615 0.091083208
Degree Type 6.287128629 0.986047771 6.376089285 3.32555E-10 4.351114551 8.223142706 4.351114551 8.223142706
Country -7.938281572 1.289098801 -6.158008651 1.25044E-09 -10.46930846 -5.407254679 -10.46930846 -5.407254679


Expert Solution

First of all we test whether the Regression mode is overall significant or not.

Null hypothesis Ho : Overall regression is not significant

Alternative hypothesis H1 : Overall regression is significant

We consider the Significance F value from ANOVA which is the P-value

P-value for the model = 9.78014E-14

Let, level of significance = 0.05

Since, P-value = 9.78014E-14 < 0.05 , we reject Ho and conclude that Overall regression is significant.

Now, we consider the Adjusted R-square for the model.

Adjusted R-square = 0.08408637

A model is said to be adequate if Adjusted R-square > 0.5

Since, Adjusted R-square is close to 0 , we can say that the Model is not Adequate.

Now, we interpret the significance of coefficients of the independent variables.

Null hypothesis : Variable is not significant

Alternative hypothesis : Variable is significant

Decision rule : If P-value < 0.05 (Level of significance) , then reject null hypothesis and conclude that the coefficient of the variables is significantly different from zero or the variables is significant.

We can see from the table that P-value corresponding to Gender =  0.062981635 > 0.05 , hence, we do not reject null hypothesis and conclude that Gender variable is not significant.

We can see from the table that P-value corresponding to Degree Type =  3.32555E-10 < 0.05 , hence, we reject null hypothesis and conclude that Degree Type variable is significant.

We can see from the table that P-value corresponding to Country=  1.25044E-09 < 0.05 , hence, we reject null hypothesis and conclude that Country variable is significant.

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