
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Certain forms of exercise can lead to soreness arising from muscle damage. Discuss the aetiology of...

Certain forms of exercise can lead to soreness arising from muscle damage. Discuss the aetiology of this soreness and evaluate its implications for exercise performance. (200 words)


Expert Solution

Some exercises may cause excess force generation and lengthening of the muscle fibres. This causes Microtrauma to the muscle tissue resulting in muscle damage.
The two main causes of development of muscle soreness are :

1. Excess tension in the muscles damages the muscle tissue and tge sarcomere which results in activation of nociceptors present in the muscles. The activated nociceptors causes pain in the muscles.
2. Accumulation of calcium in tge damaged muscles causes protease and phospholipase activation and muscle degeneration. This results in inflammation of the muscles and muscle soreness.
Muscle soreness usuallu results from sudden excess pressure and tension developed in the muscles. Vigorous exercises and weight training exercises are the main causes of muscle soreness.
Some of the important factors that may reduce muscle soreness to develop are:

1. proper stretching exercises

2. proper warm up and cool down period before and after exercise sessions.
3. strengthening muscle so that they can bear the excess tension generation during exercises and prevent microtrauma.
4. avoiding jerky sudden forcefull movm

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