4. Die casting is generally more capital intensive than sand
casting and so is better suited for making high volumes of the same
True or false. Explain your answer
Which of the following are advantages of die casting over sand
casting (four best answers):
(A) better surface finish,
(B) closer tolerances,
(C) higher melting temperature metals,
(D) higher production rates,
(E) larger parts can be cast, and (F) mold can be reused?
(a) Describe the process steps in sand casting? Compare to die
casting, what are some major advantages and disadvantages of sand
(b) Describe the process steps in investment casting?
(c) Describe the process of hot-chamber and cold-chamber die
casting. What are the most attractive features for each process?
13. Describe the process steps in sand casting? Compare to die
casting, what are some major advantages and disadvantages of sand
casting? 14. A large steel sand casting shows the characteristic
signs of penetration defect – a surface consisting of a mixture of
sand and metal. (a) What steps can be taken to correct the defects?
(b) What other possible defects might result from taking each of
these steps? 15. Using an explicit sketch to illustrate and
describe the process...
Two charged metal balls of a different size, radius R1 is bigger
than R2, and then connected by a wire. Which ball gets the larger
charge? What about charge density? Prove the answer.
1)Describe what a “riser” is in the context of sand casting.
What are its functions?
In light of Chvorinov’s rule, what should be taken into account
when determining the geometry, dimension, and
location of a riser in a sand casting
1)Describe what a “riser” is in the context of sand casting.
What are its functions?
In light of Chvorinov’s rule, what should be taken into account
when determining the geometry, dimension, and
location of a riser in a sand casting
¤Nominal ¤Is THIS different than THAT? ¤Ordinal ¤Is THIS bigger
than THAT? ¤Interval ¤What are the QUANTITATIVE differences? ¤Ratio
¤How many time bigger is THIS from THAT? Provide three health
care-focused examples of each type of variable: Nominal, Ordinal,
Interval, Ratio.