
In: Nursing

Discuss the purpose and at the same time demonstrate how you perform physical examination of head,...

Discuss the purpose and at the same time demonstrate how you perform physical examination of head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat, neck vessel, breast, regional lymphatics, thorax and lungs, heart, abdomen, and peripheral vascular system in order. Your discussion should includes the reason why we perform physical exam in each system or what abnormalities do we have to assess during physical examination of those systems.


Expert Solution


Normal findings of physical examination:




· Skin

When skin is pinched it goes to previous state immediately (2 seconds).
With fair complexion.
With dry skin

· Hair

Evenly distributed hair.
With short, black and shiny hair.
With presence of pediculosis Capitis.

· Nails

Smooth and has intact epidermis
With short and clean fingernails and toenails.
Convex and with good capillary refill time of 2 seconds.


Rounded, normocephalic and symmetrical, smooth and has uniform consistency.Absence of nodules or masses.


Symmetrical facial movement, palpebral fissures equal in size, symmetric nasolabial folds.

Eyes and Vision

· Eyebrows

Hair evenly distributed with skin intact.
Eyebrows are symmetrically aligned and have equal movement.

· Eyelashes

Equally distributed and curled slightly outward.

· Eyelids

Skin intact with no discharges and no discoloration.
Lids close symmetrically and blinks involuntary.

· Bulbar conjunctiva

Transparent with capillaries slightly visible

· Palpebral Conjunctiva

Shiny, smooth, pink

· Sclera

Appears white.

· Lacrimal gland, Lacrimal sac, Nasolacrimal duct

No edema or tenderness over the lacrimal gland and no tearing.


· Clarity and texture

Transparent, smooth and shiny upon inspection by the use of a penlight which is held in an oblique angle of the eye and moving the light slowly across the eye.
Has [brown] eyes.

· Corneal sensitivity

Blinks when the cornea is touched through a cotton wisp from the back of the client.


Black, equal in size with consensual and direct reaction, pupils equally rounded and reactive to light and accommodation, pupils constrict when looking at near objects, dilates at far objects, converge when object is moved toward the nose at four inches distance and by using penlight.

Visual Fields

When looking straight ahead, the client can see objects at the periphery which is done by having the client sit directly facing the nurse at a distance of 2-3 feet.
The right eye is covered with a card and asked to look directly at the student nurse’s nose. Hold penlight in the periphery and ask the client when the moving object is spotted.

Visual Acuity

Able to identify letter/read in the newsprints at a distance of fourteen inches.
Patient was able to read the newsprint at a distance of 8 inches.

Ear and Hearing

· Auricles

Color of the auricles is same as facial skin, symmetrical, auricle is aligned with the outer canthus of the eye, mobile, firm, non-tender, and pinna recoils after it is being folded.

· External Ear Canal

Without impacted cerumen.

· Hearing Acuity Test

Voice sound audible.

· Watch Tick Test

Able to hear ticking on right ear at a distance of one inch and was able to hear the ticking on the left ear at the same distance

Nose and sinuses

· External Nose

Symmetric and straight, no flaring, uniform in color, air moves freely as the clients breathes through the nares.

· Nasal Cavity

Mucosa is pink, no lesions and nasal septum intact and in middle with no tenderness.

Mouth and Oropharynx

Symmetrical, pale lips, brown gums and able to purse lips.

· Teeth

With dental caries and decayed lower molars

· Tongue and floor of the mouth

Central position, pink but with whitish coating which is normal, with veins prominent in the floor of the mouth.

· Tongue movement

Moves when asked to move without difficulty and without tenderness upon palpation.


Positioned midline of soft palate.

Gag Reflex

Present which is elicited through the use of a tongue depressor.


Positioned at the midline without tenderness and flexes easily. No masses palpated.

Head movement

Coordinated, smooth movement with no discomfort, head laterally flexes, head laterally rotates and hyperextends.

Muscle strength

With equal strength

Lymph Nodes

Non-palpable, non tender

· Thyroid Gland

Not visible on inspection, glands ascend but not visible in female during swallowing and visible in males.

Thorax and lungs

Posterior thorax

Chest symmetrical

· Spinal alignment

Spine vertically aligned, spinal column is straight, left and right shoulders and hips are at the same height.

Breath Sounds

With normal breath sounds without dyspnea.

· Anterior Thorax

Quiet, rhythmic and effortless respiration


Unblemished skin, uniform in color, symmetric contour, not distended.

Abdominal movements

Symmetrical movements cause by respirations.

· Auscultation of bowel sounds

With audible sounds of 23 bowel sounds/minute.

Upper Extremities

Without scars and lesions on both extremities.

Lower Extremities

With minimal scars on lower extremities


Equal in size both sides of the body, smooth coordinated movements, 100% of normal full movement against gravity and full resistance.

Bones and Joints

No deformities or swelling, joints move smoothly.

Mental Status


Can express oneself by speech or sign.


Oriented to a person, place, date or time.

Attention span

Able to concentrate as evidence by answering the questions appropriately.

Level of Consciousness

A total of 15 points indicative of complete orientation and alertness.

Motor Function

Gross Motor and Balance

· Walking gait

Has upright posture and steady gait with opposing arm swing unaided and maintaining balance.

Standing on one foot with eyes closed

Maintained stance for at least five (5) seconds.

Heel toe walking

Maintains a heel toe walking along a straight line

Toe or heel walking

Able to walk several steps in toes/heels.

Fine motor test for Upper Extremities

Finger to nose test

Repeatedly and rhythmically touches the nose.

Alternating supination and pronation of hands on knees

Can alternately supinate and pronate hands at rapid pace.

Finger to nose and to the nurse’s finger

Perform with coordinating and rapidity.

Fingers to fingers

Perform with accuracy and rapidity.

Fingers to thumb

Rapidly touches each finger to thumb with each hand.

Fine motor test for the Lower Extremities

Pain sensation

Able to discriminate between sharp and dull sensation when touched with needle and cotton.

physical examination to rule out any abnormalities

In a physical examination, there are many things that your healthcare provider can find out by using their hands to feel (palpate), stethoscope and ears to listen, and eyes to see.

Findings that are present on the physical examination may by themselves diagnose, or be helpful to diagnose, many diseases. The components of a physical examination include:


Certain findings on "inspection" may alert the healthcare provider to focus other parts of the physical examination on certain areas of your body. For example, the legs may be swollen. the healthcare provider will then pay special attention to the common things that cause leg swelling, such as extra fluid caused by your heart, and use this information to help them make a diagnosis. Common areas that are inspected may include:

  • skin - to look for bruising, cuts, moles or lumps
  • face and eyes - to see if they are even and "normal"
  • neck veins - to see if these are bulging, distended (swollen)
  • chest and abdomen (stomach area)- to see if there are any masses, or bulges
  • legs - to see if there are any swelling
  • muscles- to check for good muscle tone
  • elbows and joints - check for swelling and inflammation, if any deformities are present


The examiner uses their hands to feel for abnormalities during a health assessment.

Things that are commonly palpated during an examination include your lymph nodes, chest wall (to see if your heart is beating harder than normal), and your abdomen.

He or she will use palpation to see if there are any masses or lumps, anywhere in your body.


This is when the examiner uses their hands to "tap" on an area of your body. The "tapping" produces different sounds. Depending on the kind of sounds that are produced over your abdomen, on your back or chest wall, your healthcare provider may determine anything from fluid in your lungs, or a mass in your stomach. This will provide further clues to a possible diagnosis.


This is an important physical examination technique used by your healthcare provider, where he or she will listen to your heart, lungs, neck or abdomen, to identify if any problems are present. Auscultation is often performed by using a stethoscope. The stethoscope will amplify sounds heard in the area that is being listened to. If there is an abnormal finding on your examination, further testing may be suggested.

  • The neck: When your doctor or healthcare provider is listening to your neck, they are often listening for a "swishing" sound in your arteries. This may suggest that there is a narrowing of the arteries, which would increase the sound of blood flow.
  • The Heart: Normally, your heart produces a "lub-dub" sound, when the heart valves are opening and closing during the flow of blood. Your healthcare provider will listen to see if your heart is beating regularly, or if there are any murmurs (extra sounds with every heart beat). Heart murmurs may be "innocent", meaning they are normal, and non-life threatening, or they may signify a problem may be present. To diagnose this, your healthcare provider may listen with their stethoscope to many areas around the heart, instead of just one area, and suggest further testing, if necessary.
  • The Lungs: Your doctor or healthcare provider may listen to your lungs with their stethoscope, anywhere on your back (posterior), or on the front of your chest wall (anterior). He or she may be able to tell if air is moving to the bottom of your lungs, by listening to the airflow in and out of your lungs with each breath. These are called normal lung sounds. If there is a blockage, constriction or narrowing of your lung tubes, or fluid in your lungs, this can be heard by the examiner.
  • The Abdomen: The abdomen will be examined using a stethoscope, to listen for any "swishing" sounds of blood through the arteries near your stomach (such as the aorta), or abnormal bowel sounds.
  • Other locations: Auscultation may be used anywhere your healthcare provider wants to listen

The Neurologic Examination:

  • During a physical examination by the health care professional, a neurologic examination may be performed. This can be very brief or more detailed depending on concerns and findings.   In general the physical examination is divided into 4 parts; cranial nerve assessment, motor function assessment, sensory function assessment, and assessment of reflexes.
  • Cranial nerve assessment: There are 12 cranial nerves and these arise from the brain. Each nerve has its own function and the assessment of the nerves is done by evaluating each function. For example, testing the gag reflex with the tongue depressor is testing the 9th and 10th cranial nerves.
  • Motor function assessment is checking a person's gait, muscle strength and coordination. The test where a person is asked to touch their nose then the finger of the examiner, with eyes open then with eyes closed is an example of how coordination may be evaluated.
  • Sensory function assessment is checking sensations such as pain, temperature, position sense, crude and fine touch along certain pathways. A test that may used to evaluate this is asking the person to close their eyes and then using a wisp of cotton, ask the person if they can feel the cotton brushed on the skin.
  • During a physical examination, testing reflexes helps to assess the status of the central nervous system, this indicates whether the pathway from the spinal cord to the area stimulated and back is intact. The briskness of response is evaluated.

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