Inflammation is a defense mechanism of the body that involves
complex biological responses to any harmful stimuli. Example -
Harmful microorganisms, irritants, Injury, etc.
There are 5 Cardinal signs of Inflammation 1. heat(calor), 2.
pain(dolor), 3. redness(rubor), 4. swelling(tumor), and 5. loss of
function(functio laesa).
Inflammatory process
- When there is any damage occurs to body tissue they release
some chemicals called histamine, prostaglandins, and
- In response to this vasodilation occurs, which resulted in
increased blood flood to the damaged area. It Increases the
temperature of that area(Heat), causes redness due deposition of
blood, and also causes leakage of blood plasma out of vessels to
extracellular space which causes swelling.
- At this stage releases of a chemical called bradykinin
increases the sensitivity of nerve cells to pain.
- Increases sensitivity to pain causes loss of function.
- Increased blood flow also helps immune cells (Neutrophil,
macrophages) to reach near injury areas.
- Immune cell kills bacteria and removes dead tissue and toxins
which promotes healing.