
In: Computer Science

C++ problem - Implement and add the advanced functionalities to the ADT of the BST made...

C++ problem - Implement and add the advanced functionalities to the ADT of the BST made with the fundamental functionalities:

Visit - Description: It will display each of the data stored in the BST depending on the input parameter:Preorder
Level by level

Input - An integer (1-4)
Exit - Nothing
Precondition - A valid BST
Postcondition - Nothing

Height - Description:Will return the height of the BST
Entry - Nothing
Output - An integer with which to indicate the height of the BST
Precondition - A valid BST
Postcondition - Nothing

Ancestors - Description: It will display the ancestors of a data

Entry - The data of which you want to know the ancestors
Exit - Nothing
Precondition - A valid BST
Postcondition - Nothing

whatlevelamI - Description: It will return an integer that indicates the level in which a data is located, or -1 in case it is not in the BST

Input - A piece of information to find your height
Output - Integer indicating the level of the data in the BST, or -1 if it is not found
Precondition - A valid BST
Postcondition - Nothing

This is the declaration of the MyBST class that must be used

#ifndef MYBST_H

#define MYBST_H

struct MyNodeBST{

    int data;

    MyNodeBST *left,


    MyNodeBST(int data){





class MyBST{


        int size;

        MyNodeBST* root;

        bool search(int data,MyNodeBST* current);

        void preorder(MyNodeBST* current);

        void inorder(MyNodeBST* current);

        void postorder(MyNodeBST* current);



        int length();

        bool isEmpty();

        bool search(int data);

        bool insert(int data);

        bool remove(int data);

        void preorder();

        void inorder();

        void postorder();

        void level();

        void visit(int type);

        int height();

        void ancestors(int data);

        int whatLevelAmI(int data);





Expert Solution

  1.  * C++ Program To Implement BST
  2.  */
  3. # include <iostream>
  4. # include <cstdlib>
  5. using namespace std;
  6. /*
  7.  * Node Declaration
  8.  */
  9. struct node
  10. {
  11.     int info;
  12.     struct node *left;
  13.     struct node *right;
  14. }*root;
  16. /*
  17.  * Class Declaration
  18.  */
  19. class BST
  20. {
  21.     public:
  22.         void find(int, node **, node **);    
  23.         void insert(node *, node *);
  24.         void del(int);
  25.         void case_a(node *,node *);
  26.         void case_b(node *,node *);
  27.         void case_c(node *,node *);
  28.         void preorder(node *);
  29.         void inorder(node *);
  30.         void postorder(node *);
  31.         void display(node *, int);
  32.         BST()
  33.         {
  34.             root = NULL;
  35.         }
  36. };
  37. /*
  38.  * Main Contains Menu
  39.  */
  40. int main()
  41. {
  42.     int choice, num;
  43.     BST bst;
  44.     node *temp;
  45.     while (1)
  46.     {
  47.         cout<<"-----------------"<<endl;
  48.         cout<<"Operations on BST"<<endl;
  49.         cout<<"-----------------"<<endl;
  50.         cout<<"1.Insert Element "<<endl;
  51.         cout<<"2.Delete Element "<<endl;
  52.         cout<<"3.Inorder Traversal"<<endl;
  53.         cout<<"4.Preorder Traversal"<<endl;
  54.         cout<<"5.Postorder Traversal"<<endl;
  55.         cout<<"6.Display"<<endl;
  56.         cout<<"7.Quit"<<endl;
  57.         cout<<"Enter your choice : ";
  58.         cin>>choice;
  59.         switch(choice)
  60.         {
  61.         case 1:
  62.             temp = new node;
  63.             cout<<"Enter the number to be inserted : ";
  64.             cin>>temp->info;
  65.             bst.insert(root, temp);
  66.         case 2:
  67.             if (root == NULL)
  68.             {
  69.                 cout<<"Tree is empty, nothing to delete"<<endl;
  70.                 continue;
  71.             }
  72.             cout<<"Enter the number to be deleted : ";
  73.             cin>>num;
  74.             bst.del(num);
  75.             break;
  76.         case 3:
  77.             cout<<"Inorder Traversal of BST:"<<endl;
  78.             bst.inorder(root);
  79.             cout<<endl;
  80.             break;
  81.         case 4:
  82.             cout<<"Preorder Traversal of BST:"<<endl;
  83.             bst.preorder(root);
  84.             cout<<endl;
  85.             break;
  86.         case 5:
  87.             cout<<"Postorder Traversal of BST:"<<endl;
  88.             bst.postorder(root);
  89.             cout<<endl;
  90.             break;
  91.         case 6:
  92.             cout<<"Display BST:"<<endl;
  93.             bst.display(root,1);
  94.             cout<<endl;
  95.             break;
  96.         case 7:
  97.             exit(1);
  98.         default:
  99.             cout<<"Wrong choice"<<endl;
  100.         }
  101.     }
  102. }
  104. /*
  105.  * Find Element in the Tree
  106.  */
  107. void BST::find(int item, node **par, node **loc)
  108. {
  109.     node *ptr, *ptrsave;
  110.     if (root == NULL)
  111.     {
  112.         *loc = NULL;
  113.         *par = NULL;
  114.         return;
  115.     }
  116.     if (item == root->info)
  117.     {
  118.         *loc = root;
  119.         *par = NULL;
  120.         return;
  121.     }
  122.     if (item < root->info)
  123.         ptr = root->left;
  124.     else
  125.         ptr = root->right;
  126.     ptrsave = root;
  127.     while (ptr != NULL)
  128.     {
  129.         if (item == ptr->info)
  130.         {
  131.             *loc = ptr;
  132.             *par = ptrsave;
  133.             return;
  134.         }
  135.         ptrsave = ptr;
  136.         if (item < ptr->info)
  137.             ptr = ptr->left;
  138.         else
  139.             ptr = ptr->right;
  140.     }
  141.     *loc = NULL;
  142.     *par = ptrsave;
  143. }
  145. /*
  146.  * Inserting Element into the Tree
  147.  */
  148. void BST::insert(node *tree, node *newnode)
  149. {
  150.     if (root == NULL)
  151.     {
  152.         root = new node;
  153.         root->info = newnode->info;
  154.         root->left = NULL;
  155.         root->right = NULL;
  156.         cout<<"Root Node is Added"<<endl;
  157.         return;
  158.     }
  159.     if (tree->info == newnode->info)
  160.     {
  161.         cout<<"Element already in the tree"<<endl;
  162.         return;
  163.     }
  164.     if (tree->info > newnode->info)
  165.     {
  166.         if (tree->left != NULL)
  167.         {
  168.             insert(tree->left, newnode);     
  169.         }
  170.         else
  171.         {
  172.             tree->left = newnode;
  173.             (tree->left)->left = NULL;
  174.             (tree->left)->right = NULL;
  175.             cout<<"Node Added To Left"<<endl;
  176.             return;
  177.         }
  178.     }
  179.     else
  180.     {
  181.         if (tree->right != NULL)
  182.         {
  183.             insert(tree->right, newnode);
  184.         }
  185.         else
  186.         {
  187.             tree->right = newnode;
  188.             (tree->right)->left = NULL;
  189.             (tree->right)->right = NULL;
  190.             cout<<"Node Added To Right"<<endl;
  191.             return;
  192.         }       
  193.     }
  194. }
  196. /*
  197.  * Delete Element from the tree
  198.  */
  199. void BST::del(int item)
  200. {
  201.     node *parent, *location;
  202.     if (root == NULL)
  203.     {
  204.         cout<<"Tree empty"<<endl;
  205.         return;
  206.     }
  207.     find(item, &parent, &location);
  208.     if (location == NULL)
  209.     {
  210.         cout<<"Item not present in tree"<<endl;
  211.         return;
  212.     }
  213.     if (location->left == NULL && location->right == NULL)
  214.         case_a(parent, location);
  215.     if (location->left != NULL && location->right == NULL)
  216.         case_b(parent, location);
  217.     if (location->left == NULL && location->right != NULL)
  218.         case_b(parent, location);
  219.     if (location->left != NULL && location->right != NULL)
  220.         case_c(parent, location);
  221.     free(location);
  222. }
  224. /*
  225.  * Case A
  226.  */
  227. void BST::case_a(node *par, node *loc )
  228. {
  229.     if (par == NULL)
  230.     {
  231.         root = NULL;
  232.     }
  233.     else
  234.     {
  235.         if (loc == par->left)
  236.             par->left = NULL;
  237.         else
  238.             par->right = NULL;
  239.     }
  240. }
  242. /*
  243.  * Case B
  244.  */
  245. void BST::case_b(node *par, node *loc)
  246. {
  247.     node *child;
  248.     if (loc->left != NULL)
  249.         child = loc->left;
  250.     else
  251.         child = loc->right;
  252.     if (par == NULL)
  253.     {
  254.         root = child;
  255.     }
  256.     else
  257.     {
  258.         if (loc == par->left)
  259.             par->left = child;
  260.         else
  261.             par->right = child;
  262.     }
  263. }
  265. /*
  266.  * Case C
  267.  */
  268. void BST::case_c(node *par, node *loc)
  269. {
  270.     node *ptr, *ptrsave, *suc, *parsuc;
  271.     ptrsave = loc;
  272.     ptr = loc->right;
  273.     while (ptr->left != NULL)
  274.     {
  275.         ptrsave = ptr;
  276.         ptr = ptr->left;
  277.     }
  278.     suc = ptr;
  279.     parsuc = ptrsave;
  280.     if (suc->left == NULL && suc->right == NULL)
  281.         case_a(parsuc, suc);
  282.     else
  283.         case_b(parsuc, suc);
  284.     if (par == NULL)
  285.     {
  286.         root = suc;
  287.     }
  288.     else
  289.     {
  290.         if (loc == par->left)
  291.             par->left = suc;
  292.         else
  293.             par->right = suc;
  294.     }
  295.     suc->left = loc->left;
  296.     suc->right = loc->right;
  297. }
  299. /*
  300.  * Pre Order Traversal
  301.  */
  302. void BST::preorder(node *ptr)
  303. {
  304.     if (root == NULL)
  305.     {
  306.         cout<<"Tree is empty"<<endl;
  307.         return;
  308.     }
  309.     if (ptr != NULL)
  310.     {
  311.         cout<<ptr->info<<"  ";
  312.         preorder(ptr->left);
  313.         preorder(ptr->right);
  314.     }
  315. }
  316. /*
  317.  * In Order Traversal
  318.  */
  319. void BST::inorder(node *ptr)
  320. {
  321.     if (root == NULL)
  322.     {
  323.         cout<<"Tree is empty"<<endl;
  324.         return;
  325.     }
  326.     if (ptr != NULL)
  327.     {
  328.         inorder(ptr->left);
  329.         cout<<ptr->info<<"  ";
  330.         inorder(ptr->right);
  331.     }
  332. }
  334. /*
  335.  * Postorder Traversal
  336.  */
  337. void BST::postorder(node *ptr)
  338. {
  339.     if (root == NULL)
  340.     {
  341.         cout<<"Tree is empty"<<endl;
  342.         return;
  343.     }
  344.     if (ptr != NULL)
  345.     {
  346.         postorder(ptr->left);
  347.         postorder(ptr->right);
  348.         cout<<ptr->info<<"  ";
  349.     }
  350. }
  352. /*
  353.  * Display Tree Structure
  354.  */
  355. void BST::display(node *ptr, int level)
  356. {
  357.     int i;
  358.     if (ptr != NULL)
  359.     {
  360.         display(ptr->right, level+1);
  361.         cout<<endl;
  362.         if (ptr == root)
  363.             cout<<"Root->:  ";
  364.         else
  365.         {
  366.             for (i = 0;i < level;i++)
  367.                 cout<<"       ";
  368.         }
  369.         cout<<ptr->info;
  370.         display(ptr->left, level+1);
  371.     }
  372. }


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