
In: Computer Science

The question is about C++ The main should test all functionalities of the playlist implement a...

The question is about C++

The main should test all functionalities of the playlist

implement a linked list to store songs of a playlist. A song (which is your node) is going to include the following data:

- int Song ID

- string Song Title

- string Author Title

- double Length

Don't forget to include the next pointer that will lead to the next song.

Your playlist (which is your linkedlist) is going to include the following functionalities:

- Default Constructor

- Non default constructor

- getSong(string Ttitle) that will print the information of the song object that has that specific title

- addSong() to add a new song to the end of the playlist

- removeSong() to remove a song from the beginning of the playlist

- Overload cout to display the playlist for the user

Develop a main to test your code


Expert Solution

//C++ program

using namespace std;

typedef struct Song{
   int ID;
   string Title;
   string Author;
   double Length;
   struct Song* next;

class PlayList{
       Song *head;
           head = NULL;
       PlayList(int id , string title , string author , double length){
           head = new Song;
           head->ID = id;
           head->Title = title;
           head->Author = author;
           head->Length = length;
           head->next = NULL;
       Song* getSong(string Title){
           Song*current = head;
           while(current != NULL){
               if(current->Title == Title) return current;
               current = current->next;
           return NULL;
       void addSong(int id , string title , string author , double length){
           Song* newNode = new Song;
           newNode->ID = id;
           newNode->Title = title;
           newNode->Author = author;
           newNode->Length = length;
           newNode->next = NULL;
           if(head == NULL){
               head = newNode;
           Song*current = head;
           while(current->next != NULL)current = current->next;
           current->next = newNode;
       void removeSong(){
           if(head == NULL) return;
           Song*current = head;
           head = head->next;
           delete current;
       friend ostream & operator << (ostream& out , const PlayList &list){
           Song*current = list.head;
           while(current != NULL){
               out<<"ID: "<<current->ID<<endl;
               out<<"Title: "<<current->Title<<endl;
               out<<"Author: "<<current->Author<<endl;
               out<<"Length: "<<current->Length<<"\n\n";
               current = current->next;
           return out;

int main(){
   PlayList list;
   Song* current = list.getSong("JKL");
   if(current != NULL){
       cout<<"Song found\n";
       cout<<"ID: "<<current->ID<<endl;
       cout<<"Title: "<<current->Title<<endl;
       cout<<"Author: "<<current->Author<<endl;
       cout<<"Length: "<<current->Length<<"\n\n";
       cout<<"Song not found\n";
   cout<<"\n\nList After Removing a song from playList\n";
   return 0;

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