In: Anatomy and Physiology
Out of the extensor thrust reflex, the flexor reflex, and the golgi tendon reflex which of these is the most simple reflex and which of these is the most complex kind of reflexes. WHY?
Extensior thrust reflex: extensor thrust. a reflex extension of the leg caused by applying a stimulus to the sole of the foot. The reflex normally occurs each time a person takes a step in walking or running, signaling a need for body support and providing the thrust for taking the next step.
The flexor reflex : The flexor reflex is a polysynaptic reflex that results in flexor muscle contraction. ... By recruiting flexor muscles across several joints, the flexor reflex is an example of an interjoint reflex that has tissue protective value such as generating quick withdrawal from a noxious stimulus.
Golgi tendon reflex : The Golgi tendon reflex (also called inverse stretch reflex, autogenic inhibition,tendon reflex) is an inhibitory effect on the muscle resulting from the muscle tension stimulating Golgi tendon organs (GTO) of the muscle, and hence it is self-induced. The reflex arc is a negative feedback mechanism preventing too much tension on the muscle and tendon. When the tension is extreme, the inhibition can be so great it overcomes the excitatory effects on the muscle's alpha motoneurons causing the muscle to suddenly relax.This reflex is also called the inverse myotatic reflex,because it is the inverse of the stretch reflex.
Most complex reflex: flexor reflex because:-
A simple reflex contains only one space where information in the spinal cord travels between two nerve cells, called neurons. The space between two neurons is called a synapse. Thus, a simple reflex is called monosynaptic, where “mono” means “one.” There are four parts to a monosynaptic simple reflex. The first is a sensor, which senses what is happening to the body, the second is a sensory neuron to carry that information to the spinal cord, and the third is a motor neuron to transmit information away from the spinal cord to the fourth part, which is the muscle that creates an action.
Most simple reflex : extensor thrust reflex;
The flexor withdrawal/crossed extensor thrust reflex is another spinal reflex, but instead of involving only two neurons and one muscle, it involves 5 neurons, a bunch of interneurons and synapses and 4 muscles on each side of the body.