
In: Physics

Design the database using the ER approach. Then using Java and SQL, implement the following functionality:...

Design the database using the ER approach. Then using Java and SQL, implement the following functionality:

Implement a button called “Initialize Database”. When a user clicks it, all necessary tables will be created (or recreated) automatically, with each table be populated with at least 10 tuples so that each query below will return some results. All students should use the database name “sampledb”, username “john”, and password “pass1234”.

Implement a user registration and login interface so that only a registered user can login into the system.

Create the functionality to assign three reviewers to a paper.


Expert Solution


Create table paper
paperid integer,
title VARCHAR(50),
abstract VARCHAR(250),
pdf VARCHAR(100),
primary key (paperid)

Create table author
email VARCHAR(100),
name VARCHAR(50),
affiliation VARCHAR(100),
primary key(email)

CREATE table write
paperid integer,
email varchar(50),
order integer,
Primary key(paperid, email),
foreign key paperid references paper,
foreign key email references autor

create table pcmember
email VARCHAR(50),
name VARCHAR(20),
primary key (email)

create table review
reportid integer,
sdate DATE,
comment VARCHAR(250),
recommendation CHAR(1),
paperid integer,
email VARCHAR(100),
unique(paperid, email),
foreign key paperid references paper,
foreign key email references pcmember)

CREATE Assertion 3pc

WHERE 3 <>
FROM Review R
WHERE R.paperid = P.paperid

CREATE ASSERTION atmostfivepapers

SELECT * FROM pcmember P
FROM review R

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